Tarot Spreads


Hi! I am very, very new to this so any help anyone can give me would be EXTREEEEEEMLY appreciated. I am interested in reading only for myself at this time and am unsure how to begin. I've purchased a deck (Golden Tarot by Kat Black) and I've purchased a book (Tarot for Beginners by P. Scott Hollander). So far I have only opened the outside wrapping of the deck~not touched the cards as yet and read the introduction in the book. Do I read the book first?, handle the cards first? (if you read my "new member" post then you know the deck pretty much picked me), do I do a spread first?, what spread would be best for me? I've also read I should start a journal, why?~PLEASE WHERE DO I BEGIN?!



CindyJ said:
Hi! I am very, very new to this so any help anyone can give me would be EXTREEEEEEMLY appreciated. I am interested in reading only for myself at this time and am unsure how to begin. I've purchased a deck (Golden Tarot by Kat Black) and I've purchased a book (Tarot for Beginners by P. Scott Hollander). So far I have only opened the outside wrapping of the deck~not touched the cards as yet and read the introduction in the book. Do I read the book first?, handle the cards first? (if you read my "new member" post then you know the deck pretty much picked me), do I do a spread first?, what spread would be best for me? I've also read I should start a journal, why?~PLEASE WHERE DO I BEGIN?!


Hi Cindy, and welcome!

First of all, play with the cards...see all of them, touche them. You'll have time to read this book later, while you are practicing. There's no reading first, doing later in Tarot. Get in touch with the cards....become familiar with the images.
Then start practicing with only one card. Lay one card, look for it's basic meaning in all the book you have...see what the image tells you...and *write is down somewhere* i just can't stress this enough!

Yes, you should start a journal...doesn't have to be pretty or even show the cards in order. A journal is for you to write down every reading you do, every study and thought of every card....if you did a reading and got "The Daeth" and it gave you this or that feeling, write it down. If you found in a book a meaning for a card and you like/dislike it, write it down and write why.

For now it may seem weird, but believe me the journal is such an important tool. If you go to this post here: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=45373 you'll see most of more exprienced Tarot readers, if they could start again, the first thing they'd keep is a journal. It's going to help you to learn, because just 'absorving' things from books without analysing them is no good.

Play with your cards...they are not things from other world that only the experienced can touch. They'll be your learning tool so become closer to them. Start easily, don't rush anything. First one card only, so you can see what they mean. Then some months later (when you're more confident), try three. Never try the Celtic Cross at first - it can be scary because it's a complex spread.

Hope that helps for now. If you still have any doubts, please, PM me - my virtual door is always opened :)

:TPW Yuko


Hey Cindy! Alot of good questions, let me try to give you my perspective here. For now, ignore the book. You have a deck, isn't that exciting?! I love when I get a new deck!

First, don't be scared. Open up the deck, and look through them. Shuffle them, see how they feel in your hands. Go ahead, shuffle them a few times, as many times as you want. Shuffle them while you're watching your favorite show. Then...

Put them back in order. BUT...take the time you're putting them back in order to really look at the cards. I've heard Kat's deck is beautiful, enjoy the artwork, get to know the cards. Then...

Shuffle them again. Play games with them. An idea that just came to mind is a game of solitaire with the cards...hmmm...would that work? I'll have to try it tonight and see.

All of the above is so you can get used to seeing them, familiarize yourself with them. They're a great new friend! Go talk with them!

So, now...you want to start reading with them? Mmmmm...now this is where another part of the fun comes in. Get a blank notebook, or whatever you'll feel comfortable keeping a tarot journal in. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Do a search around the boards, there are plenty of ideas, btoh elaborate and simple (someone's stack of steno books comes to mind, I think its Umbrae's). Shuffle the deck in the morning, and pull a card. Just one.

Write down which card you got, and write a description of the card. What do the images evoke in you? Any questions come up that the images bring out? For instance, I pulled the 6/Wands today for someone from my Hanson Roberts deck. For the first time, I thought about how all the planning and wargames were required for that person to come back from battle alive and healthy, and victorious. So, for me, this was a card about planning ahead before expecting victory in whatever the querant wanted to do.


I just started reading too. The first thing I did was shuffle the cards real good and did a reading from the book that came with it. All of my readings I have journaled, and I have found myself getting the same cards in different readings. It gives me a good idea about what that card means to me and helps me to learn.


LOL! Take them out and play with them! Look through them all a bunch of times, handle the deck, try shuffling it. Randomize it for the first reading, and then try a small reading to start.

I think the 'new deck reading' is:

1. What do you have to teach me?
2. How will we work together?
3. What do you most need from me?

Start anywhere, each person is different. But the more you know the card images, the easier it'll get for you.


Welcome to AT and the tarot journey :)

I agree with the posts above. Start with the cards...and go from there. Get to know them, the feel of them in your hands, and above all, get to know the imagery with your eyes closed. You will, without effort - simply by spending time with the cards. You'll get to know the expression on the faces, how they look at each other, the symbols, the atmosphere. If you like, you can write about them - choose the kind of easy notebook you can carry with you and which doesn't make you feel guilty if you don't write in it for a while!

You can lay the cards all out - some people like to try shapes, like a mandala or a world tree. Or experiment those shapes you enjoy.

You have a gorgeous deck, btw! So true and human, messages from the past, told for today...

When you know your cards will be the time to open the book.


On the other hand....

Hey, Cindy,

The question you asked is going to get you a dozen different answers--because there is not one, absolute, generic way to become a tarot reader. We can only give you that method which worked for us. For miss_yoko, the most important thing was a journal; focusing on each card, and writing down what she learned about it. For Platinumdove it was exploring the cards by writing down stream of consciousness observations. For HudsonGray, it's diving right into a spread.

Know what? Their methods all work. For them. And maybe for you, too. Or not. So here's what you do--read up on all these methods, give each a try, and use whichever one makes the cards come alive for you. Which ever one makes you want to keep learning the tarot, makes you excited and feels like fun.

Here's what I did when I was just starting that worked for me:
1) The one thing we can all agree on--you must open that deck and give the cards a look. Look through them all. Become friends with that deck, it's your partner, your buddy. Very soon, it's going to be speaking to you. So get to know what it's like; and yes, you'll find that it does have a personality.
2) Second thing I did--I memorized the cards. I started with the majors. That's the first 22 cards, starting with The Fool. I memorized the first ten, and after I was familiar with them, the rest of the Majors. Then, onto the minors.
3) I read up on their meanings--very basic meanings--key words that I could remember. Like "Birth" and "Newness" for the Fool. "Love" and "Emotions" for Cup cards, things like that. I connected meanings to images. Why would The Fool card mean things like "newness"?
4) After I was familiar with all this, I started playing around with them. Delving into simple spreads and seeing what meanings I got.

In a few weeks I was pretty comfortable with those cards and their meanings, and that's when I cracked open the books and used the resources on this forum to expand those simple meanings. I offer this advice only because I've found that some people find the book meanings daunting--long passages for 78 cards! But starting with one or two word meanings for 78 cards isn't so hard. And once you know them, it's easier to expand from there.

DO make use of the "stickies" you see at the top of this section. Firemaiden has created a library of threads that contain the answers to just about any tarot question you might have as you start to learn--from how to shuffle the cards and lay out the cards to what each one means.Reading those discussions on meaning might help more than any book because they'll show you the richness and flexability of meaning in the cards. Personal observations, observations gleaned from books and history, and observations gotten from actual readings. Most of all, don't be daunted. Start off small and easy. Build up. And remember this, once you start learning the tarot, you never stop. We're all still learning. You won't get it all at once--but whatever little bit you have, that's always more than enough. Have fun!


Thanks to all of you for all your wonderful advice. I plan to start immediately~well once I get off the computer. One more question however, How do you find time for your deck? I know everyone is busy these days~we all seem to be moving rather quickly through our daily lives. I feel.... I guess guilty is the word, taking time for my deck instead of laundry, cleaning, etc. How do I over come this? May be this could be my first question for my deck. I would appreciate your help once more.



CindyJ said:
How do you find time for your deck?
Mealtimes. Just watch those greasy fingers. But why not go through the cards during breakfast? Jot down notes or key words at lunch? Read through Aclectic Tarot discussions on the cards during dinner?

Of course, if you have family, they might resent it....

You can also study while doing other things. Lay out the cards you're getting to know as you fold laundry and absorb them while putting clothes away. Read a chapter from a book as you vaccum. Put cards up under magnets on your refrigerator. If you do have family, get them involved. Have them flash cards at you, or read meanings to you while you cook.

I don't know if you also have an "television" time, but I pretty much gave that up for learning the tarot when I was learning it. Much more fun than the shows I was watching.


I get my time when I'm waiting for my SO to pick me up from work, and I get my time online after I get home from work and eat dinner. You'll find your little break times to sneak it in. :)