Tarot Violence


There are many decks on the market that include violence, cruelty to people and animals, sexual harassment motives and sometimes worse(at some erotic decks), death and etc. Decks like Giotto, Durer(medieval), some dark motivated decks with demons and zombies and stuff...

How do you see those decks? Are you able to overcome the sometimes very uneasy feelings they awoke and read with them? Or you will just walk around and continue to more positive imaged decks?


Personally, I don't place any significance on this since I look past the images to the symbolic intent (now if someone put out a "snuff" deck, I would draw the line at that). Also, when using decks with non-scenic pips, it's not really an issue unless there is objection to seeing a woman bullying a lion (which really isn't the message) or a man being tortured by being hung upside-down (but then why is he smiling in some decks?). I don't care much for most "dark" decks (vampires, zombies, Lovecraftian monsters, etc), but it's more an aesthetic thing than a sociological, moral or religious one, much the same way I don't care for most of the "fairy" and "animal" decks. If I had a sitter who was young or just squeamish about such things, I would offer the "kinder, gentler" Connolly deck for the reading. Traditional tarot imagery of the narrative sort is a product of the age it represents, and the best way to avoid that is to buy only abstract or "fluffy bunny" decks.


What the Jabberwock said. One of my best (and non-violent !) readings was with the Savage - at the sitter's request. No problem.


Like with any kind of art, I think that as long as nobody is directly threatened by the message (hate speech about individuals or groupe of people) it should be considered as a legal and legit mean of expression.

There are novels, movies, paintings, ancient or moderns, that depict violence between humans, animals or picture very dark and creepy stuff.

Like for those forms of arts, people will decide if it's for them or not. I'm personally not fond of violence against animals and I'm not attracted to movies that are too gore, graphic or with anything related to demonic stuff, but I can enjoy written stories about any of these.

Since tarot reading needs concentration and peace of mind for me to work well, I would be really surprised if I ever get attracted to a deck being too violent. But who knows!


Depends whether I like the artwork - and I also Ditto what the Jabberwok said. :)

If I think it inappropriate for the sitter - I won't use it for them.
I won't use it for myself unless I like it. But I'm fond of making friends with the dark side of myself - and so I enjoy dark decks.

I'm sensitive to animal cruelty and sexual harassment - but don't bat an eyelid at people on people violence. Demons, zombies and ghost - all depends on whether I find it pleasing how they've been portrayed.


Depends whether I like the artwork - and I also Ditto what the Jabberwok said. :)

If I think it inappropriate for the sitter - I won't use it for them.
I won't use it for myself unless I like it. But I'm fond of making friends with the dark side of myself - and so I enjoy dark decks.

I'm sensitive to animal cruelty and sexual harassment - but don't bat an eyelid at people on people violence. Demons, zombies and ghost - all depends on whether I find it pleasing how they've been portrayed.

I am sensitive to animal cruelty and sexual harassment too. That is what stopping me to buy some decks. So I wondered how other AT members deal with it. =]


I think that one reason why some of us feel uncomfortable with some decks using animal/children/human abuse is that you usually use a deck that somewhat inspires you? And being inspired by disgusting acts can feel weird to some people?

Now I'm not saying that people making or using those decks are criminals deep down, but it could explain the reluctance some of us have.


I think that one reason why some of us feel uncomfortable with some decks using animal/children/human abuse is that you usually use a deck that somewhat inspires you? And being inspired by disgusting acts can feel weird to some people?

Now I'm not saying that people making or using those decks are criminals deep down, but it could explain the reluctance some of us have.

Whether they're weirdo's or not - is their problem.
It's whether I can actually use the deck - without getting depressed, angry or disgusted with the images I'm looking at.
Horrid stuff of all kinds happens every minute of every day and is part of life. Sadly.


There are many decks on the market that include violence, cruelty to people and animals, sexual harassment motives and sometimes worse(at some erotic decks), death and etc. Decks like Giotto, Durer(medieval), some dark motivated decks with demons and zombies and stuff...

How do you see those decks? Are you able to overcome the sometimes very uneasy feelings they awoke and read with them? Or you will just walk around and continue to more positive imaged decks?

I have the Durer. Animal violence didn't occur to me until you mentioned this because I suppose we are all desensitized to violence on some level. For example, almost every deck has the 10 of Swords as a bloody murder scene, right? Perhaps the question/thread is about whether or not these images traumatize you as the owner/reader/sitter? Also, as was mentioned upthread, it may be a question of if you are able to understand the symbolic meaning, which may be different from the face value meaning you are presenting.

It's worth exploring this topic.