Tarot workshop


Hello, All,

I am trying to put together a tarot workshop for our local Pagan Pride Day. I think it will only be about 45 minutes long and I've decided to talk more about reading for ones self than for others. I have a few ideas about what to do, but would appreciate any other ideas for such a short session.



Hi Fransesca,

Having only 45 minutes, I take it that the particpants will already know the basics and you can straight on to reading?

In that length of time, I would suggest three card readings only, and tell them the diverse ways that three cards can be assigned meanings. Maybe recommend daily draws.


Maybe tips on how to "neutralize" since it can be difficult for some to do personal readings, due to the questions being too close to heart.

Finding the right deck can help - the Ferrets have never let me down.


I think the topic of how to phrase questions could be helpful, too, as this often seems to be something that can make or break a reading.