Taroting rates


Please note that this discussion/advice thread is intended to compare "going rates" among professionl readers not a forum for posting diatribes about the wrongness of charging/asking for donations
-Thank you..

I have taken the plunge. I am now offering professional tarot readings (as a "professional spritual advisor") to the local Cuban and Brazilian population of greater Homestead and Kendall areas (a.k.a. South Miami). There is definitely a demand, as from what I gather there are quite of few charlatanic readers around. (I have heard this from more than one source!)

I would like to know what are the going rates for professionl readings. (I have only a comment on my business card "donations accepted," in case a client asks "how much do you prefer?")

My ideas (and, honestly, I lifted them of of one of your Websites):

3-5 card readings = 30 mins. suggested donation $20

6 up to 10 cards = 60 mins. suggested donation $30

3 spreads var. no.= 120 mins. suggested donation $50

I rEaLlY need feedback on this one. Any other appropriate and related advice is appreciated - I'm just starting out here...

Thank you, again,


p.s. I am not planning on doing any tArOt NaKeD for the public!


In my IMHO $20 is a bit steep for a 3-5 card reading. I charge £15 for a five card reading max... I don't do three card readings as I don't think they offer clients enough value for money.

But this is just my personal belief. Other than that I think your prices are :)



My pricing is fixed - £10 for a reading. The reading will usually last between half hour and hour, and if somebody tries to push this and take advantage I politely suggest that "that's another reading entirely, so you can make another appointment with me if you like and come back at a later date."

My pricing is quite low compared to what most charge, but it's to do with the fact that my prime audience, here in cardiff, is students. Students can't afford the normal prices so I charge less, and consequently also find I get quite a few non-student clients.

I think a 'goo'd Tarot price is one that marginally undercuts what everybody else in your area is asking }) or aims at your target audience.




I've been having this problem, too, having recently started to read professionally. I think you have to take into account how much your time is worth and balance that against what people can afford. Perhaps the best thing to do is to set a slightly higher rate and then give concessions for students.


I charge $50.00AU for an hours reading. This will entail two readings in one with plenty of opportunities for the sitter to ask questions. BTW, this is the going rate in my area, but if you head into the city you can expect to pay up to 2 and half times more than that.


I have a sliding scale =)
That way people can donate within 'ranges' giving what they would wish and I don't get cheated =) Maybe this is an idea to consider?

I've just been asked to give Readings on an Information Market for the International Women's day. I'm going to do free 1 Card Readings (or ask for a coin donation) and ask 5 euro's for 3-5 Card Readings and 7.50 for bigger Readings (max 10).

Why? Because it's a fair in the poorer part of my city and I am not planning to make humongous amounts of money. Just to have fun and it's free advertising since I get a free table.

I do think 3 Card Readings are valuable for 5 Euro's because I also own Oracles that can have me talking about your 3 Cards for an hour =)



Doesn't it depend where you live? In Geneva, the going rate for a one-hour reading session is Frs 80.- That's about US$60. For half an hour, it's Frs 50.- (thus encouraging people to go for an hour).

But Geneva is expensive and with a high standard of living. I could not justify such prices in areas that were cheaper, or where the standard of living was lower.

You need to do some research locally. Only your local conditions should dictate how you set your prices.


I always had a fixed rate - period. I think this idea of "this many cards = this many dollars" is bogus and arbitrary; likewise I find the "$1 a minute - go ahead and waste my time, chump" attitude equally abhorrent.

I always charged $10 for 15 minutes in a party or public setting. You have to watch a clock when you have a lot of people and you do less complicated spreads to compensate for the time. I usually try to stick with a bill everyone has in their wallet so I can make change in $5, or $10, or not have to make change at all.

Even in a one-on-one situation the most I have ever charged is $20 for up to an hours' read. But then again - I am not trying to set up a business. $30-40 for an hour is not unreasonable in such a setting, IMHO.


Have you been reading about the law of threefold return, TB? :D

I also find it odd to charge per card. You could spend ages on 3 cards, and zip through a CC.

(I might also end up being double or triple posted - trouble with the server)


The Meta store where I read has a set rate of $1. a minute, 10 minute minimum. People seem to be very comfortable with it. It's the going rate here. Ten minutes is long enough to get a good detailed answer to a question, or a quickie general. Most people like to have a reading anywhere from 15 minutes to half an hour. I don't do well with the "so much per card" pricing structure, perhaps because I tend to begin with a smallish layout and then add and add to it.

If I where you, Kilts_knave, I'd call around and find out what seems to be the going rate where you are.