Templar - Seven of Cups


As we are all aware, cups are considered to be the suit that deals primarily with emotions, and this includes all aspects of the emotions – love, hate, warmth – every nuance of feeling is in the suit somewhere. It is also a suit concerned with the inner self – psychic development, and visions (those things we see when we travel in the spirit world, on the astral planes, skry in the spirit vision…. ). Also illusions – those visions we deceive ourselves with – the emotional beliefs fuelled by our own hopes and fears rather than by the realities of our lives.

Then, consider Seven. On the Tree it is represented by the Sephiroth Netzach meaning “Victory”. I see this as representative of one’s triumph in a personal struggle. There is a situation to be dealt with. In connection with Cups card I would tend to see it as an emotional situation.

Now looking at this particular Seven of Cups, there is a person clambering up a rather precarious looking tree, attempting to reach the cups that surround a central rose (formed as a Rosicrucian cross) in the sky. To me this says that this person has several choices – they all look attractive superficially but there is only one “real” choice there – the rest are illusory. It is a question of clarity of vision, and of triumphing over oneself. In other words, in a serious situation, spending time in thought before leaping to grab a gorgeous cup but really trying hard to see the choices spread out before you, and thus choosing based not on rash emotion but on considered reflection. In those circumstances in all likelihood the correct choice will be made.

Looking closely at the card I can see the rosicrucian cross itself; its downward sticky out spike hovers directly over the actual path that lies in front of the climber. I feel that if this person chooses the right option then they will be keeping to their appointed path. However, should they choose one of the other options, they will be lead astray onto the mountainside where no existing trail leads. Another thought that comes to mind is that I can see this persona as Jesus in the desert being tempted by various lush offerings, but reaching firmly for his appointed fate.

It is a lovely card – however, I do think that most frequently the option one knows (with that inner voice) to be right is the one that frequently has the least attractive appearance. In this card the true nature of the right choice is showing and this makes it an easier matter to select it. Normally we are faced with a set of options and it can be so hard to see which is the right path to take, and much serious thought, and maybe meditation, is required before the little voice speaks up in our minds.

Sometimes for me, the seven of Cups is the pie-in-the-sky card; wishful thinking where it’s easier to sit and daydream about fantasy futures than it is to get to grips with a sorry reality. And I must admit that on this card the beautiful, obviously right choice, is not going to be all that easy to get to – the tree looks very dodgy and this is not a winged being reaching up – some considerable effort will be called for to reach the middle of the display.

I like the cheerful yellow of the card. It says to me that I am required to take some sort of action/decision, that I need to have courage and that no matter what the choices I am dithering over, and that the world is a good and beautiful place if only I look with the right eyes.