Tenth house Moon - in detriment?


I'm starting to look at my chart using Equal and Whole Sign house systems after using Placidus for so long. I have my Moon in Pisces in the 10th house. And my 10th house has Pisces in it, so Neptune would be ruling my 10th house. (I guess Pisces is IN the 10th house and not on the cusp like in Placidus?)

So I have two questions. First, the thing that's confusing me in Equal and Whole Sign house systems is the MC and separate 10th house. My MC is Aquarius but my 10th house has Pisces in it. So is Neptune made stronger because it's ruling an angular house, even though it's not considered my MC?

Next question. My Moon in Pisces is in the 10th house. Is my Moon in the 10th house in detriment (because it's opposite the 4th, it's natural house) or is it made stronger in my chart because it's a personal planet in an angular house?


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In your case, it makes little difference if you're using equal houses or whole sign houses, with an Ascendant of 3 degrees 24 Gemini. Personally, I'd use whole sign houses for you.

Whichever you use the MC will NOT be the cusp of the tenth. Indeed it's quite possible for the MC to be anywhere between the 11th and 8th Houses using these systems. In your case Pisces would be the tenth House, using a whole sign approach and the MC would be in the ninth (Aquarius).

Neptune does NOT rule Pisces - Jupiter does, though it might have characteristics that could be described as piscean. Jupiter would have accidental dignity through ruling the tenth. Indeed I'd be reluctant to use a whole house system with the outer planets anyway. The system is perhaps the oldest system of Houses we have and was not really intended for planets that spend several years in the same sign (Saturn is bad enough with an average of over 2 years per sign). The main users of the system these days are Vedic Astrologers and they don't use the outers either. I'm not saying it's against the rules, in principle there's nothing to stop you but for me it's too much of a mix and match approach.

No the Moon would not be in detriment in the tenth. Detriment is an essential debility, that is it's related to the sign placement, not the house placement. The Moon's detriment is in Capricorn, the sign opposite it's rulership of Cancer. Be careful with 'natural' rulerships', they are at best only referential or analogous. Usually the Moon in Pisces is not particularly strong in essential dignity, though in your chart the Moon has mutual reception through exaltation with Venus - the Moon being in Venus' exaltation and Venus being in the Moon's exaltation. That results in it being reasonably well dignified essentially and in an angular house, using whole signs/equal houses.



Ruler of the 10th house? Technically, the ruler is Uranus or Saturn -- but, the sign on the cusp of the equal-house tenth is Aquarius. Pisces is in the 10th, and is on the cusp of the 11th.

Neptune or Jupiter rules Pisces, but Pisces in "only" in the tenth while it is considered the sign for the 11th house.

If you want to use whole sign or equal house systems, then forget the MC completely. Neptune is not ruling an angular house, period.

Houses are not signs and signs are not houses, so your Moon wouldn't be in "detriment". The basis for calculating signs and houses are quite different in terms of mathematics, in concept, and spatially.

If you are concerned about your Moon, consider that it is part of a T-square involving Uranus-Pluto opposite the Moon, both square Mercury. This is the classic nervous energy and worry pattern. That would be one of the more important portions of your chart to study and understand. Dave


Also - correct me if I'm wrong Minderwiz - but dignities are related to which sign a planet is in, not which house. The Moon is peregrine in Pisces.


Fudugazi said:
Also - correct me if I'm wrong Minderwiz - but dignities are related to which sign a planet is in, not which house. The Moon is peregrine in Pisces.

Yes I pressed the 'post' before I'd really finished writing - see edited post above.


Cactus' Ascendant is Gemini, making the seventh Sagittarius, the eighth would be Capricorn, the ninth Aquarius and the tenth Pisces - even using simple equal Houses the tenth cusp would be 3 degrees 24 Pisces.

Edited to clarify

And my understanding of Greek/Hellenistic houses is the tenth would still be considered 'angular', though I agree that we need to be very careful in the way that we use such a house system, so 'important' might be a better word. Certainly the tenth would always square the Ascendant. Quadrant systems, using the MC as the tenth cusp give a meaning that isn't there in the old system. So I think your advice is probably the best course of action for the beginner.

The Greeks didn't have the problem we do through translation. They used the word 'oikos' (from which our word 'economics' is derived) for the domiciles of planets and the word 'topoi (place) for the 'houses'. English uses the same word to describe two different things.


Cactus said:
I'm starting to look at my chart using Equal and Whole Sign house systems after using Placidus for so long. I have my Moon in Pisces in the 10th house. And my 10th house has Pisces in it, so Neptune would be ruling my 10th house. (I guess Pisces is IN the 10th house and not on the cusp like in Placidus?)

So I have two questions. First, the thing that's confusing me in Equal and Whole Sign house systems is the MC and separate 10th house. My MC is Aquarius but my 10th house has Pisces in it. So is Neptune made stronger because it's ruling an angular house, even though it's not considered my MC?

Next question. My Moon in Pisces is in the 10th house. Is my Moon in the 10th house in detriment (because it's opposite the 4th, it's natural house) or is it made stronger in my chart because it's a personal planet in an angular house?

Personally I consider Reigiomontanus to be more accurate, and I agree with Frawley, whole sign houses aren't that philosophically sound (I recommend reading his Horary Textbook, even if I don't agree with him a hundred percent on everything).

Anyway, I believe you are mis-informed by some modern psychological astrology out there, the Moon's traditional Joy is in the 3rd house, however I'm not so sure about it being so bad in its opposite, ie 9th, especially since I think the 12th & 8th tends to be a worse place for it. However, when it comes to Horary and Electional questions, it may be good to keep the traditional Joys in mind, and after all, I'm still a newbie.

10th however can be problematic because the Moon waxes and wanes, thus if it is in the tenth that implies ups and downs in your career/s, depending on the other placements on your chart. I'm curious where the Moon is in different house systems.

Now when it comes to Pisces, it is important to pay attention to Jupiter, its traditional rulership. Where is it on the chart? If your MC is Aquarius, where is your Saturn? What is your rising sign? Where is its (traditional) ruler on the chart?


*actually reads thread, not just OP*

Do you have other planets in the 11th?