The All Hallows Tarot


I love the Emperor.. He is so adorable. hehe.. :D Is this going to be a majors only deck or with the minors too? I really really want this deck now.. :)


well, It will be majors at first...

But I have a lot of great ideas for minors (will probably stick with traditional suit titiles, but change around the representation of those suit objects a bit)
So...we will see what happens!

I am still a bit embarrassed to tell you how long this deck took to make (ok..longer than 5 minutes per card...) and the minors may come easily to me as well...

but I do have a whole slew of Minors to paint for my Masquerade deck, and I will probably be taking care of many of those first!


What a great looking deck. I look forward to seeing the rest of them.


Chronata, you really outdid yourself! What a wonderful deck! I love the cards I have seen so far. And the High Priestess is just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing this with us. And if you do print a limited edition, please put my name on your list :). Keep up the great work!


me too!

i am always in awe of people who can draw or paint proper pictures, as i can only do abstract......whenever i try to draw a person, they usually end up looking rather picasso-ish! lol


I love the Empress...she is very cute.
What I love about your decks Chronata is the element of sweetness blended with great symbolism and a feeling of having visited another world.


Chronata what a lovely deck :D
Those are definitely archetypes with character and personality.
My favourite so far is the Empress (but the snake and owl probably help with that too)


Oh, that pair did it.
I want my name on the pre-order-list too! :)


Chronata, is that Empress you? And the Emporer your hubby???
C'mon...fess up!


Ha Elf...I laughed initially at your post...but then I thought about it some more...

actually I DO have the outfit that the Empress is wearing in my closet...complete with the magenta witch's hat!

and Bob does wear a tie like the the Emperor's every weekend...

and I did always want blue hair! :D

But I swear it was not a conscious thing! (unlike the Masquerade where you can my spouse on the Chariot, and me on the title card!)

Ok...two more today (the reason I am doing little preveiws is that I hope by the time I get to the "problem" card it will have been solved, and actually be finished!)

The NeoTribalist Hierophant
and the Vampire Lovers!



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