The Big Sell !!


I wonder what others think, i am sure view points will vary, What do you think of adverts for readers and the hype- 100% accuracy ,never fails ! etc
I would find it so nerve -racking trying to live up to those expectations!
Do you feel this is possible?


100% accuracy and never fails are more optimistic and confident than I'll ever be...and I'm already too optimistic and confident!!


I wouldnt want to be read by a reader that stated "100% accuracy ,never fails"
like I dont buy books thats says "complete guide to tarot" (cause there is no such thing........)


Gypsyspell said:
I wonder what others think, i am sure view points will vary, What do you think of adverts for readers and the hype- 100% accuracy ,never fails ! etc
I would find it so nerve -racking trying to live up to those expectations!
Do you feel this is possible?

No reader is 100% accurate, whether they've been reading for 5 minutes or 50 years.

Anyone who states such is either lying, or hasn't yet come across that hard-to-read querent (and there are quite a few!).

"Accuracy"...I chuckle when I see that term. *chuckle*



People who say things like 100% accurate and never fails are either frauds or extremely naïve. I've never seen a book or a teacher or a website out there that didn't explain that 100% accuracy isn't possible in tarot. Very frustrating to see things like that.


I should advertise, "50% accuracy. Sit at your own risk!"


Wow, 100 % accuracy....time to throw away my cards, lol.


What!!! God Is Here Reading Cards???? How Nice Of Her!!!


You rang !!!


Talking about 100% accuracy, I was talking to someone today who was reminiscing about a reading they had six years ago. they didn't remember much of it, just the awesomely accurate bits of it.

1) The reader insightfully realised that she was never really understood by the people around her, and sometimes felt lonely.

2) The reader amazingly knew that she'd had a lot to deal with in her life.

3) The reader incredibly predicted that she'd have another baby even though her children were all grown up and she didn't, but that was okay, because her daughter-in-law and son had a baby the following year so the reader must have picked up on that.

4) The reader had the insight to tell her that the job she was in wouldn't last, but told her that because of changes in her energy it was impossible to tell her when it would end, and the reader was right - five years later the business she was working in closed down.

Now. If you say numbers one and two to most people, they will be egocentric enough to think that they are special, and not realise that every single living human being has a lot to deal with and often feels lonely and misunderstood even in quite good relationships, even if it's just momentarily.

Number three? Most people are related to someone who might have or might have just had a baby - it's easy for a reader to say that your family predictions got mixed into a personal reading.

Four: In this day and age, only a minority of businesses last more than three and a half years, and of those, only a small minority of their employees will still be in the same jobs ten years later.

So yes, by making careful predictions, you can be 100% accurate, and if the client asks pointed questions evade them by saying that "the energies on that aren't clear yet".

I could stick out a sign saying 100% accurate if I wanted - I know how to do it - but I've got a bit of pride about me.