The Book of The Law Study Group 3.66


? What is the Stone of Israel ? I didn't quiet get that . Is it Jacob,? Is it like Peter being a rock ...

I don't know. I think it's another name for god, but it's an obscure verse. Meant to show the everlasting quality of god, according to a quick search for interpretations. I was surprised by another connection to stones, mainly, 594 in Sepher Sephiroth.


Maybe 'stone' (God) as the solid foundation on which Israel is built upon ?

Maybe I should wait till my head clears from last night ...[

[ that Jewish person I was talking about (from the discussion group) went on about Kabbalah and the Tree last night ... great I thought - until she said Geburah was the left hand (I asked her if she was looking at the Tree or out from the Tree and she didn't have a clue what I meant) and then this guy goes YHVH are vowels . I asked if H was a vowel and they said yes and I asked if vowels can have a final form ... they go, Huh? And I asked, does not the 2nd H have a different meaning and value different from the first H in the YHVH and they all :confused:

Always Wondering

I meant 'passive' more in the sense of one being receptive to the message and ready to receive perhaps variant ideas and meanings of what the symbols might mean ... as opposed to 'active' in declaration of what one thinks the meaning might be (like having a full cup, one cant receive or be passive) , like declaring that lines in Ch. 3 mean I have to hate people and I am so sure I know what it means I am not receptive or ‘passive’ enough to learn otherwise.

I like to relate these lines to the Atu Art; “At the bottom of this card, for example, are seen Fire and Water harmoniously mingled. But this is only a crude symbol of the spiritual idea, which is the satisfaction of the desire of the incomplete element of one kind to satisfy its formula by assimilation of its equal and opposite. “

“This state of the great Work therefore consisted in the mingling of the contradictory elements in a cauldron. This is here represented as golden or solar, because the Sun is the Father of all Life, and (in particular) presides over distillation. The fertility of the Earth is maintained by rain and sun; the rain is formed by a slow and gentle process, and is rendered effective by the co-operation of air, which is itself alchemically the result of the Marriage of Fire and Water. So also the formula of continued life is death, or putrefaction. Here it is symbolized by the caput mortuum on the cauldron, a raven perched upon a skull. In agricultural terms, this is the fallow earth. “

Being fallow is ‘empty’ and ready for seeding.

“Rising from the cauldron, as the result of the operation per- formed ~ is a stream of light”
Perhaps a further stage along than the ‘sparks’?

“is a stream of light which becomes two rainbows; they form the cape of the androgyne figure. In the centre, an arrow shoots upwards. This is connected with the general symbolism previously explained, the spiritualization of the result of the Great Work. “

“The rainbow is moreover symbolical of another stage in the alchemical process. At a certain period, as a result of putrefaction, there is observed a phenomenon of many-coloured lights” –see post below.

“This “hidden stone” is also called the Universal Medicine. It is sometimes described as a stone, sometimes as a powder, sometimes as a tincture. It divides again into two forms, the gold and the silver.”

“Dissolve the Pearl in the Wine-cup; drink, and make manifest the Virtue of that Pearl.”

Thanks for clairfying your thoughts. I did some thinking on this after I posted as I was walking the bank of a passive and powerful river. A similar one carved a grand canyon here in the states. It's many colored also. And beautiful in it's emptiness. It reminds me of meditation. That's what I decided on my walk. Passive isn't what I thought it was. This has been very helpful.



Another stone connection might be the word ABN, stone. Of course it only adds up to 53. But 66 - 53 = 13. The number 13 has a few interesting gematria hits (AHBH, AChD). But it is also the Path of Gimel.


In a similar vein to the above the Hebrew for Pearl, DR, Dar is 204. This is verse 211.
211 - 204 = 7. The could indicate Venus or Netzach (Victory).
But my intuition is saying the intersection of the Paths of Gimel and Daleth. Still climbing the Middle Pillar.

Diamonds and Pearls, stones (plural) of precious water?

EDIT: The the contrast between the formation processes of each stone is quite striking when you consider the position on the Tree. Unity in contradiction. A symbol for the text of Liber Legis at this level? Hmm...


Stone of Israel is interesting. It makes me think of 'stones' of other religions. The Kaaba of Islam, Peter the rock in Christianity, even Delphi or Boleskine. A difference it seems to me is Israel's 'touchstone' The Temple was destroyed, so the constant becomes untouchable. I also wonder about 'stones of precious water' and if this could be an alchemical reference, the philosopher's stone, which in sexual alchemy would have 'the water' as an ingredient, made into a 'stone'

Random free associations :laugh:


I looked around a bit, and found an interesting context for the stone. En rout to Haran, Jacob used a stone for a pillow and in his dream had a vision of a ladder reaching up to heaven. Upon awaking, he blessed and anointed the stone. The verse I quoted is the first mention of "the Stone of Israel," and is after Jacob's name is changed. The connotation is that God isn't just any god; God is his, Jacob's, his own (there's a long explanation of why, somewhere, but I lost the link). Sounds reminiscent of an HGA, if interpreted in a certain way.

Of course, that's only if one accepts 594.


Well THAT certainly puts the first commandment in a different perspective !

Always Wondering

In a similar vein to the above the Hebrew for Pearl, DR, Dar is 204. This is verse 211.
211 - 204 = 7. The could indicate Venus or Netzach (Victory).
But my intuition is saying the intersection of the Paths of Gimel and Daleth. Still climbing the Middle Pillar.

Diamonds and Pearls, stones (plural) of precious water?

EDIT: The the contrast between the formation processes of each stone is quite striking when you consider the position on the Tree. Unity in contradiction. A symbol for the text of Liber Legis at this level? Hmm...

And then there is Liber 7. Lots of stones in there, all starting with a pearl, though from lightening. Lots of unity in contradiction also.


Lots of unity in contradiction also.

The number 66, being sum of the numbers from 1 to 11, is a symbol of both the Great Work and the Qliphoth. Now there's a unity in contradiction.

Maybe this 66th of verse of chapter 3 symbolically balances the 66 verses of chapter 1. Two very different chapters with two very different tones. But maybe an holistic, inclusive, and feminine perspective is needed to see this Unity.

As it says in The Book of Lies chp.3 The Oyster: "The Brothers of A.'.A.'. are Women." (Third Order.)

The chapter and verse rendered as a number is 366.

366 = 2 x 3 x 61


2 = II The Priestess

3 = III The Empress

61 = Ain - Not - Nuit. All very feminine symbols.