The Electional Astrology of Pope Gregory XIII

The monk

Hi everyone,
Solar Fire and Starlight show the same parans as i have both, and will gladly email to show this, so i dont know where that information came from.
The use of parans is a matter of debate, but you seem to miss that the point of this argument involves Sirius being on the M.C. at midnight at the start of New Year by projected fixed stars, at the start of the Gregorian calendar, and only was in line to be continually on the M.C. from 1582 to 1703.
Obviously before 1582 you would have to look at 22nd Dec, it would seem by your comments that you think projected fixed stars weren't used in 1582?
For Sirius to line up at midnight between 31st Dec and 1st Jan again will take many thousands of years by projected fixed stars!
As at least two calendars that are in use today intentionally use Sirius as a marker of New Year, i think it would be reasonable to think that this was done deliberately in 1582.


Projected, yes; Midnight, no

Projected fixed stars were in use: but in this time period, midnight was not the big thing are far as start of day that it is now. If you look at astrological works from the period, you will discover that many of them didn't even agree on when a day started! Oftentimes, a new date wasn't used until afternoon, of dawn. So the importance of midnight as day delineator simply wasn't the huge indicator that it is now.

The monk

I'm sorry i dont know what you are saying, the Gregorian calendar is a heliacal calendar, before the introduction of time zones made because of railways, every location experienced midnight when the Sun was on the I.C.
So for England if you were to travel from London to Bristol the time difference was approx. 6 minutes.
To say that in 1582 that we didnt know Mid-Night is like saying we didnt know mid-day by Sun Dial.
Thus is why before the introduction of time zones, you will find all locations has the Sun on the I.C. at midnight in Winter months.
Today in longitude from Greenwich, Kent, near London the experience that is true to New Year at Mid-night, having the Sun on the I.C. generally is every 15* degrees longitude, give or take a degree, but only if the location hasn't messed up daylight saving hours, as Lourdes, France, being at the same longitude has done.
How you work this out, means in 1582 we wouldnt have had a hope of working out the length of a solar year!

The monk

The two other calendars that celebrate the heliacal rising of Sirius are the Coptic and Ethiopian calendars, although these days it is only symbollic.
There is a third calendar that was in use only for a few years, being the French revolution republican calendar, which although connected the years to the Equinox's, one of the months was called Vendemiaire (vintage) that started on September 11th.
One of my areas of my study has been a very aggressive asteroid called Juno, that seems highlighted during the change over from the Julian to the Gregorian Calendar, although wasnt studied at the time.
During the period between 4th to the 15th Oct. 1582 Juno was conjunct Sirius, and on the 1st Jan 1583 at midnight it is three degrees off the M.C.
I have no idea if this accounts for Juno's power that is displayed during the 20th and 21 century, to go back to previous centuries would be dubious in regards to accurate times, there are many eye witness reports and newspaper reports regarding events that happened in the 20th century, and i would like to start with the First World War.
There is an connection to Juno to the M.C. with the assassination of Arch-duke Ferdinand, that triggered W.W.1. a month later but i will come back to this later if needed.
Lets look at the telegram that started W.W.1. sent from Vienna, Austria at 11:10am. July 28th 1914, which hopefully will link to this web-site:-
If you make up a chart, you will find Juno at 22*57' Cancer and the M.C. at 22*19' Cancer.
It may seem strange to link Juno to a peace signing if it is aggressive, especially if Neptune the surrender planet is near the M.C. but you must remember that there was a burning resentment within the German people over the signing of the Armistice, more so than the second part of the surrender document being the signing of the treaty of Versailles.
This can be shown as when Hitler invaded France, he made the French sign their freedom away in the same Foche railway carriage, which the Germans signed their surrender in 1918.
The German signing of the Armistice document was to leave burning resentments that would cause another war two decades later.
Most historical documents usually put the time down of signing as 05:05am in the Foche railway carriage in Rethondes, France, 11th November 1918, although a couple of reports put time down as 05:10am.
Brady's Starlight has Rethondes at Lat. 49*N25', Long. 02*E57'.
At 05:05am., the Planet of Surrender, Neptune is 09*20' Leo., and the M.C. is at 06*21' Leo.....The trouble is Juno is at 06*46' Leo!
So far we have been looking at Juno on the M.C., but W.W.2 was different, Events with Juno were connected to the karma/I.C. area of German charts, but i dont think this is strange as 1939 was a resentful karma issue for Germany, as both wars are connected.
To find when W.W.2. kicked off is easy to find on the net.
"At 09:00am. on the morning of 3rd September 1939, Sir Neville Henderson, Britain's ambassador to Germany, delivered an ultimatum in Berlin, stating that if hostilities didnt stop in Poland by 11:00am, then a state of war would exist between Britain and Germany.
The Ultimatum came from London, but the aggression was coming from Berlin.
So perhaps we shouldnt be surprised if we make up a chart for Berlin that the I.C. is 22*41' Aquarius and Juno is 24*32' Aquarius.
I have plenty more charts on the two world wars, but feel the need to go on to recent events....i have plenty of charts involving Juno!
The symbol of Sirius/Blazing Star is a pentacle or pentagon,.....The Pentagon was attacked at 09:37am on 11th Sept. 2001, which is a date that some calendars celebrate the Sirius heliacal rising, although symbolic, and matches the ground breaking ceremony of the Pentagon.
As i have said i am liberal with all religions that are non-aggressive, and i am not pointing fingers at anyone, but can we not as astrologers just research the problems of our times without going mad?
At 09:37am on 11th Sept. 2001 you will find Juno at 26*43' Cancer, the M.C. is 25*53' Cancer....any comments?

The monk

Sirius connected to our calendar.

Lets look at what has happened to our Gregorian calendar after the period when Sirius (projected fixed stars) was connected to the stroke of New Year every year between 1583 and 1703.
After 1703 it began to fade only being on the M.C. for two out of 4 New years, it eventually fully petered out on 1781 where it is 01*00' off the M.C.
We know that the "Rosetta Stone" was carved in 196 BC., when Greeks understood Egyptian "picture writing".
This understanding was lost till 1799, when French soldiers found the Rosetta Stone, thus as the same thing was written in three languages, we were able to crack the code of Egyptian Heiroglyphics.
The prime meridian of the World is Greenwich, London, Kent, U.K. at 00*W00', all time as far as longitude is controlled from this area....i'll go on to "Time Zones" later.
There is probably no more ancient "Magic/Astrology" than connecting our calendar to Sirius, although i think doing this by projected fixed stars is far weaker than when this occurres by Egyptian direct paran.
Sirius and religion does seem to be joined, but be careful of who and why any country used Sirius, to see what it means today needs an idealistic approach for the needs of all countries, obviously when looking at esoteric astrology, indeed it is a very spiritual star. (Blavatsky, Theosophists and Alice Bailey).
All the major spiritual stars have a nemisis, that i will get back to later in this thread.
The Victorians controlled time by the Greenwich obervatory.
The Egyptian direct paran in line with Greenwich U.K., Sirius, New Year, and the Gregorian Calendar started in 1802, but obviously not for all years, being a gradual process.
This gradual process means that by 1818, Sirius aligned with Greenwich at the stroke of New Year every year on a continual basis till 1st Jan 1904......just after the Victorian Era when England's power began to fade.
Industry, science and the beginnings of our global economy came from this period, in fact if we looked at the advances we have made since 1582, it is larger than any period in known history!
If we charted Sirius from Greenwich, after 1904 we only experience Sirius bringing the New Year in on some years, and fades completely in 2097.
Time is only true every 15* degrees from Greenwich, before Time Zones everyone had the same M.C., so a star aligned to the M.C. and faded the same as Greenwich everywhere.
Time Zones were introduced because of the railways, which means that in a lot of locations at midnight, the Sun is more than two hours away from the I.C. at New Year, which means when we look at every 15* degrees like say Cairo which is 31* Longitude, Sirius is continually on the M.C. till near the end of 2100, then will be at 32* Longitude.....remember every 15* Degrees, and to find Sirius at New Year, plus or minus one, such as New York at 74* degrees longitude. This means it is going to take a good thousand years for Sirius not to chime in the New Year in some locations.
You may say, "So what, it seems a fantastic star, very spiritual although that may effect whats the problem?
A lot of astrologers dont study fixed stars, they can be frightening and the major stars have a "Nemisis".
It may be worth working out what the "Nemisis" of "Sirius" is, and although it can be difficult, and information is very hard to find, i thought it may interest you.
Of great importance to ancient Egyptians was the fact that the heliacal rising of Sirius marked the beginning of their year, that occurred nearly simultaneously with the yearly flooding of the Nile.
Interestingly, the association of Sirius with an abundence of water appears elswhere than Egypt in the ancient World as well.
In fact, it is possible that Sirius was associated with deluges in general.
The Romans of the first Century A.D. thought the influence of Sirius brought highly destructive weather, further associations of Sirius with water themes occurs in the Zend-Avesta, which calls Sirius "TISHTRIYA", the author of rain and the daemon of dryness.
According to the Zend-Avesta, the supreme god once made Tishtriya cause a massive flood as punishment for mens wickedness and corruption.
We may look at another quality of Sirius,....THE SCORCHER, success that can burn, the DOG DAYS OF SUMMER, meaning very hot summers.
Over the next 100 years we are faced with a sea level rise of 21 feet, crazy weather patterns and very hot isnt called "Sirius" its called "Global Warming".

The monk

Since the above was written, i did find the connection to the Julian Calendar that started on 1st January 0045 BC, obviously in Egypt, at Thebes/Luxor, using ancient Greek day marker, being sunset of previous day, parans are marked by sunset, sunrise or much later as the clock evolved, midnight, Cleopatra was Greek, sunset would have suited her, for as the Sun set on 31st December 0046 BC in Thebes/Luxor, Sirius was rising!

I've just started a web-site with others researching Sirius and Alnilam, centre star of the Belt of Orion, you have no idea how much these stars have been used in the history of the world and relates to Hermetic esoteric societies and electional astrology.

The web-link is below, place mouse on "Sun Parans" icon at top of page, and tap on sections, the Counter Reformation is interesting, as well as the stages from Julian Calendar to Gregorian Reform, there isn't a great deal of information yet as web-site has been only in operation for a few days, it is a research link, not spam:-