The Emperor - What does he do for a living?


I get this card a lot, representing my own role as a CFO. IMO he's not just the boss, he also is likely in charge of the finances.


Leader of the mob.


Also, my fiance's significator is an Emperor, he was a commander in the Army.


Politician, police or military, schoolteacher, owns their own business of any kind ...

Anywhere where they are in a position of authority. Millions of occupations.


As in US Mariens


I see him as Alan Sugar (Entrepreneur/Businessmen/Self-made man) A loving father and husband and a sh** hot business man.


Emperors love logic, control, order

politician. boss. owner. military: General, Captain. Leader. Solid. Rock. Philosopher. That older Professor. Sage. Engineer. Supervisor. Cameraman. Scientist. Television producer. Policeman. Inventor. Welder. Author of Wise Books. Lawyer. Builder. Game builder. Mathematician. Problem solver.

I see the Emperor as someone who could definitely work with their hands. He is someone who may have started at the bottom and worked his way to the top. He is not afraid to get dirty and work hard. That's why he's the Emperor.

Of course, each card represents a persons on the physical level as well (signifier). So just because one Emperor inherited a business from his father and never got his hands dirty, doesn't mean that the father who started the business didn't. Whereas, both are Emperors.


The Emperor could for sure be a criminal in an underdeveloped soul. A mobster would be an example. Remember, the Emperor can have an explosive temper if underdeveloped.

Remember, each card has a positive attribute and a negative one.

He can also have a tendency to do daring things like racing, bungee jumping, and skydiving.

I like to meditate on each card everyday. Each card is more than the basic example (logic/order) given in the basic tarot books. They are more. Let them come and speak to you and you'll find amazing things. My card yesterday was the Emperor. ;)