The English Magic Tarot

Patrick Booker

I just looked at the Fool - I too have been lazy and ignored these scripts, even though I have been using the deck. If you turn it upside down, it looks like Enochian. I don't know much about the subject, but it is considered to be part of a powerful system of magic that is associated with John Dee and Aleister Crowley:

Using the English equivalents gives the following (I think):


I don't know enough about this to make much of it. I have this book relating to Enochian, which I have never read but looks so interesting that I think I will do so:




OK, this is a part of an unended sentence, like the English and runic phrases on other cards. I'd really love to know what those part-sentences point to! (Do we need to get the book about English Magic to figure this out?) The deck's companion book just tantalizes!

Patrick Booker

In his gift video, Rex Van Ryne promises a masterclass available shortly, and my impression is that it will go into these scripts. I am not sure whether these will be free, but the gift video is, provided you register.



Came on here after piecing together possibly all the puzzles related to the scripts on the cards and the colored letters. Wanted to check if I'd found everything, but don't want to spoil it for others.

P.S. I only needed the deck itself to solve them. Well, and Google :p


Came on here after piecing together possibly all the puzzles related to the scripts on the cards and the colored letters. Wanted to check if I'd found everything, but don't want to spoil it for others.

P.S. I only needed the deck itself to solve them. Well, and Google :p

Hi Reyan. All the puzzles? I'm impressed! Most are from systems I'm not familiar with, so I'm curious if you had a head start. Not asking for spoilers and appreciate you holding them back for now, but I am curious how long it took you to put it all together.


Hi Reyan. All the puzzles? I'm impressed! Most are from systems I'm not familiar with, so I'm curious if you had a head start. Not asking for spoilers and appreciate you holding them back for now, but I am curious how long it took you to put it all together.

I did know two of the three foreign alphabets enough to look up a table and translate them. Oh and a passing knowledge of Latin. But mostly it was just a matter of sitting down and making some tables. I'd say it took me like 4 hours. I did kind of feel like I cheated a bit though, as I was able to use a search engine to find the answer with only a partial solution, and then worked some of them backwards. There are still a few loose ends hanging, even though I know the answer, so I wanted to see if those were red herrings or if I missed some parts.

Luna's Crone

this is the magickal deck i am looking for:


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All the posts here are quite enabling. I'm reading a bit about magick now, and the historical era in which the deck is set has always interested me. And I love the color scheme the illustrator used, though the backs are a bit hmmmm. Putting this firmly on my to-buy list.


Hey everyone, very interesting reading what you all have to say on this deck. I just picked it up on Amazon for less than $6 if anyone is interested and has not purchased it yet. I'm curious to see if I like it.

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