The Goddess Oracle


I have this deck too (got it for the art work) and, no, I don't use it a lot. When I do use it, I sometimes just draw one card to explain what issues or things I am lacking or need to focus on. I also use it to add a different angle to a tarot reading. I also use the spreads included in the book and get very accurate and clear readings. I love the deck, but it does, sometimes, need a bit more attention than I've been giving. It is beautiful though.


I also have this deck.....the artwork is GORGEOUS but unfortunately, it had been sitting unused for quite a long time until I picked it up recently and spent some time looking through the cards. The book is great too...nice meditations as well as history on each goddess. I decided to pull a card for the day and it really spoke to me....I even kept the card on my altar so that I could focus on it throughout the day.

:) Luna


lunakasha said:
I decided to pull a card for the day and it really spoke to me....I even kept the card on my altar so that I could focus on it throughout the day.

:) Luna

I keep these cards in my altar sometimes too, when i wish to focus on a certain aspect of the Goddess. For instance, i've been doing a kinda painful skin treatment to get rid of some small sickness...i've been keeping the card of Sulis & Sedna, to call the good health and to remind myself i must be strong.

Gorgeous artwork, i really love this deck!


Lady Maria

mike gorth said:
Here's the link to all of the images and then the ones the artist didn't include

Thanks for that link! What beautiful work.

A copy of the painting of Pele was in my midwife's cabin when I was in labour, right at eye level, and it brought me so much strength at a time of great need- Actually, that was with my son who's name is Hawaiian and we didn't realize it untill we had already picked it out and were visiting Hawaii... I wonder if there's a connection there?

Anywaym, it's so wonderful to know the artist! Can't wait for this deck, it's on my wishlist for my birthday... hopefully I'll have it in a couple weeks!

Blessings, Maria

Red Emma

Goddess Oracle

Breathless, Lunakasha et al,

Thanks guys. You've given me great ideas for further exploration of this deck.



Wanting to explore the goddess in her various guises a little more, I bought this oracle deck about 6 weeks ago. I agree that the art work is lovely - very strong & powerful too. Several of these cards took my breath away - Lady of the Beasts, Freya, Lilith, Gyhldeptis, Sulis, Eurynome, Coatlicue, Ameratsu, Pele, Oya, Uzume, Kali, Sophia, Sheila na Gig. Others work on a more subtle level (for me) - like Eostre, Brigid, Ix Chel, Hecate, Oshun, Demeter, Innana, Vila & Kwan Yin.

I have drawn one at a time, to ask which goddess had something to teach me at the moment - which one I ought to work & live with for a while. I might also draw one with a tarot reading, as a balance to the whole reading or one card. A few nights ago I drew Shakti/Energy with the Thoth Universe, which took my breath away - a fantastic couple.

I haven't done any of the visualisations yet, but would like to. I just feel I want to get to know my goddesses better...But maybe I should just go for it!

I feel it is more of a spiritual aid, than a straight oracle - though I've not tried it as an oracle. It might work. Has anyone tried?


I have some of the cards which came as a kind of gimmick to a woman's magazine some years ago.

Until now I have not ordered the whole deck because I don't like the white borders on the cards. They take too much space, I wish there were a borderless version of this deck available.