The Hanged Man as the best path to follow?


I'm having trouble with the hanged man as the advice card (best path to follow). It seems very similar to the wheel card to me in this specific respect, ie. don't do anything, just hang about in limbo while the world re-orders itself. But I'm sure that isn't the only interpretation out there:)

So any ideas on what the hanged man could mean as an advice card?




In addition to just hanging out, it could also mean to look at the situation from a different perspective or to sacrifice something. It could even be advising you to "put your foot in it" meaning just the opposite of hanging out - start something and see where it gets you.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.



Well, it could mean to try to look at the situation from a different perspective (I often think that means from a more spiritual viewpoint)--and when you do finally proceed, to do so in light of that new perspective. Of course, in order to get to the point of being able to see things in that new light, one often has to sit back and meditate (which may be the path to take right now in your reading.)

It's that time period that I think is signified by the Hanged Man--you're sort of in limbo as far as physical action is concerned, but you are putting that time to good use in developing or perhaps changing your spiritual outlook.


starrystarrynight said:
It's that time period that I think is signified by the Hanged Man--you're sort of in limbo as far as physical action is concerned, but you are putting that time to good use in developing or perhaps changing your spiritual outlook.
This is what I was going to say ~it's like being in a limbo situation for a while~

Advice could be:
Learn what you can about yourself, others, and the situation~
Try to accept what IS, rather than trying to change it~

Too often we pray for a quick answer, rather than being silent and just waiting for a while...



juliekate said:
I'm having trouble with the hanged man as the advice card (best path to follow). It seems very similar to the wheel card to me in this specific respect, ie. don't do anything, just hang about in limbo while the world re-orders itself.
Actually no. The Wheel is about the world changing and you going along with that change, as if you're riding a ferris wheel and you go up and down as it goes up and down.

But in many cases, the Hanged Man is a willing sacrifice. That means he chooses to go into limbo as a way of seeing the world different, or, if in limbo already, he makes some sort of sacrifice to come out of it. There is action that can, that MUST be taken by the Hanged Man either to enter into this unique state or come out of it. A change in the world around him isn't going to do any good. He hangs until he changes himself

Remember, the Hanged Man more or less represents all those stories of some holy man who goes without food and sleep, or suffers in the sweat lodge or takes hallucinogenic drugs or heads out into the desert for however many days in order to gain some spiritual or psychic answer to an important question. Usually, that question is not a selfish or self-centered one. It's not "How do I find wealth and happiness" but "How do I save my tribe?" or "What magical secrets must I know to heal the sick," or just "How do I get closer to God?"

Far from doing nothing and waiting for the world to change, you must do something very, very difficult. The best path to follow is one that is unselfish and for a greater or more spiritual good--to improve yourself for a higher purpose. And the best path is one of true sacrifice--it need not be a big sacrifice, but it has to mean something, and it has to lead to you feeling differently, seeing things differently. You think that both the Wheel and Hanged man are about being out of control and you're right, but the Hanged Man involves surrendering control, it involves saying to the universe, "I give you leave to take me where I need to go. I surrender control in order to see what I can't see if I remain in control."

Great spiritual transformations and great spiritual power are only gained by sacrifice and surrender.

The crowned one

I agree with Thirteen (Real good post)

As advice I see the hangedman suggesting a reversal of attitudes through spiritual growth. It might even be suggestion you overcome some sort of material temptation. This card is about control, not lack of, about the ability to adapt and change. Another aspect of how this card pertains to advice would be slow down.


As advise it has a number of different meanings, if you are planning on doing something it suggests that you hold back and wait, if you are in a job/situation that you don't like and want to leave then it says, "hang in there" don't leave yet. It could advise you to look at your situation fro a completely different viewpoint in order to find your answer. If it is about trying to hang onto to a bad relationship, then it says let it go but in a very close relationship it would advise you to let your barriers down and get closer to that other person, to make a necessary sacrifice.


In addition to what everyone else has posted I think it also means, waiting, observing, getting all the facts before you make your decision. While hanging in limbo, just taking it all in, seeing what's really going on rather than what you think is going on, on the surface. Once you figure it out, you may see what you didn't see before, maybe you didn't want to see it but you were forced to look at it this new way so that you could release it and move on. Sometimes we are just too close to a situation and it blinds us, then we wonder, how could I have not seen that? We have to get past our own preconceptions to make way for a new thought process and way of dealing with things sometimes, and when we do letting go could be a sacrifice in it's own way.


I like all of the answers so far, but I would like to add that you might also want to look for irony. Sometimes the best way to get from where you are to where you want to be is *not* a straight line from one to the other. In fact, sometimes you may find the answers you seek within the very things you were hoping to avoid altogether.


This is definitely one of the most mysterious images in the R - W tarot.
Interesting that this should appear prominently for you as the sun moves from Aquarius to Pisces, the home of things mutable, hidden and often not very obvious.
On the very few occasions it has appeared reversed i've found it points to a sort of self delusion more regarding the question asked.