The Knight of Pentacles + the three of swords resigned to heartache?


Dear all,

This is my first attempted post here, being a brand new member to this forum. So please be patient, as I hope I am not breaking any rules :). It is wonderful to finally be able to get some input and share my thoughts on tarot and its fascinating code with others rather than trying to figure it all out alone.

Ok, to get my point; I am curious to hear your thoughts on The knight of pentacles and the 3 of swords appearing together as how someone feels about a situation? These two cards were drawn as part of a larger spread. The positional meaning for these two cards / or question was how does she feel about this situation? I was intrigued by these two cards together as I have not come across them together like this before. For the knight of pentacles, I see this knight as being very earthy, solid and down-to-earth, also very dedicated and having good staying power when it comes to sticking with a cause. So for feelings, I have always interpreted this card to mean unwavering solid feelings. This person knows how they feel about the subject or person in question and are devoted or dedicated to them. I also fee it is a positive card. Then the three of swords, has always been a fairly straightforward graphic card to read, it depicts a great sorrow or heartbreak, great pain. It can I know also represent a 3 way situation that has caused heartache. Therefore, trying to combine these two - and interpret them as how someone feels, I have a number of different thoughts and as a novice reader would be keen to here what you all think of this. Together the KOP + 3 of swords might mean; committed to heartache? resigned to a sad situation, resigned to being broken hearted? Or perhaps it means an altogether different thing , they could both mean; despite being broken hearted this person remains committed? But in that case perhaps the KOP would have to come after the 3 of swords.
Ok , I hope I have explained it all clearly here, all your thoughts are welcome.


Welcome to Aeclectic, IsabelRaven!

Well, of all the Knights, the KnP is the slowest to (re)act to a stimulus. The 3S could be emotional hurt/pain or it could be the truth of the matter. Together as how someone feels about the situation, I'd say that they're still trying to figure out (KnP) whether they're going to be hurt over it or see the truth of it (3S).

Oh, and the forum posting rules can be found here.


LeFou does she feel about this situation?

Hmm, how would Knight of Coins feel about the 3 of Swords? Maybe "out of one's element," conflicted, ambivalent, unsure how to feel, or even "reluctant to feel," numb to the feeling perhaps.

On the positive side, Knight of Coins presumably bounces back from a 3 of Swords situation. It might be key to "feel the feelings" in order to bounce back, though. Just guessing, of course.


Thank you kindly for the warm welcome! That's a very thought provoking response. Slow to react to the truth of the matter is an angle I did not see, but very much hits the nail on the head here. It fits better with the rest of the reading and fits also with the character of the person I was reading for I would say. I alway saw 3 of swords as pain only before now. But that is a little one demenional and yes of course it's getting to the heart of a painful matter also = a truth albeit a painful truth! Thank you for this helpful insight.

Your input has also made me pause and think. "Reluctant to feel" is similar to rwcarters idea of "slow to react" with a slightly different slant, which is very much in keeping with this person's character. She runs from her emotions a lot and spends a lot of time in denial. Which is why I might have expected the 8 of swords for example and this combo showing up instead threw me. But this combination of KnP and 3 of swords is more telling in combination than an 8 of swords could be alone. Isn't tarot facinating.
Thank you both for that :).
Isabel Raven