8 of Wands Outcome Love


I have a hard time reading for myself because I tend to see what I want to happen rather than the reality. It's much easier to look back on the reading months from now and go "ah-ha", but this reading is fresh.

I posted the entire reading in the Readings section, but I was having trouble with 3 cards.

I did a simple Celtic Cross. I figured out the situation/crosses situation already after posting it in My Readings Here: http://tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=254589

But the 8 of Wands as an outcome. To me this means movement, rapid texting, calling, falling in love quickly. It means you have set a goal and those arrows are going to land on their mark. So does this mean that the man in question will text me, call me and soon? As an outcome does it imply that those arrows are on their way to their mark?

And of course, this is what I WANT to happen....so...I'm biased.



I see this as quick contact. Your take is what I would have thought.


I read your post this morning but I did not know what to reply exactly, considering that 8 of wands is often about contact.

As Pamuya said, it could be that a quick contact will happen but what about speed in the whole process? An alternative interpretation might be that this crush will be a temporary thing in your life and will pass fast... like those 8 wood sticks on the card (even if I read Marseilles ;))

So if no contact happens, don't get discouraged because you will not stay disappointed for too long


I read your post this morning but I did not know what to reply exactly, considering that 8 of wands is often about contact.

As Pamuya said, it could be that a quick contact will happen but what about speed in the whole process? An alternative interpretation might be that this crush will be a temporary thing in your life and will pass fast... like those 8 wood sticks on the card (even if I read Marseilles ;))

So if no contact happens, don't get discouraged because you will not stay disappointed for too long

That's a good point Tarot_Quest. It may not last because when those arrows hit their mark, it's sort of over.

Pamuya, thanks for chiming in. I always like reading your interpretations. It's good to see I am on the same page as you.

Outcome are always a little fuzzy territory for me. I have found that tarot only really gives my own readings about 6 months of insight. If I wanted a real premonition about a situation I have to put myself into an completely altered state and love is never the topic whenever I do that for /with myself.

ana luisa

Well, what direction where the wands moving to ? I ask that because it could go either way... Sometimes, wen the wands are leaving the spread, it means leaving the scene.

Just a thought.


Well, what direction where the wands moving to ? I ask that because it could go either way... Sometimes, wen the wands are leaving the spread, it means leaving the scene.

Just a thought.

It was a celtic cross and this was the 10th card on top. So the wands were pointing down towards all the other cards.


Update from last week

My celtic cross SELF readings don't last very long. (And really, what does outcome mean?) It's not really a future position, is it?

I believe that the outcome is a lot of electronic communications because that this point that is all it is and I believe it is quite probably that that is all that will occur.


I'm not quite seeing the same thing here.
I would say that because of the presence of the the Queen of Swords as an outside influence, (maybe someone else or even him not being in the right frame of mind right now), the 8 of wands talks about actions being stalled...because of outside influence.
I would take the outcome card as reversed here.


I'm not quite seeing the same thing here.
I would say that because of the presence of the the Queen of Swords as an outside influence, (maybe someone else or even him not being in the right frame of mind right now), the 8 of wands talks about actions being stalled...because of outside influence.
I would take the outcome card as reversed here.


So you've looked at the complete thread in My Readings section. Thar always puts a different perspective on it. Wands and swords don't conflict, aren't they harmonious (wands and swords?) Though we also have the knight of swords reversed for fears and queen of swords as outside influences.

Outcome is always an odd position for me. What is the real difference between future and outcome. I suppose the way I see it is the outcome is the answer to the subconscious question and the future placements are predictable and probable events that same question.

But you are partially right, there have been electronic communications, but not with the severe rapidity that the 8 of wands suggests.

I also see the Queen of Swords as an outside influence of a girlfriend I do not know about, possibly on the decline since the Queen of Swords isn't known for strength in relationship and for me usually represents a bitchy like component or relationship problems or a single/bitter woman. (Of course in a different reading she can have other means...if this was a legal situation I would want to see the Queen of Swords in the spread).


My celtic cross SELF readings don't last very long. (And really, what does outcome mean?) It's not really a future position, is it?

Yes, it's a future position if you're not living the outcome this very moment. It's saying this will be the outcome.

The Queen of Swords is a woman who has learned the hard way that she needs to keep her stance on issues in relationships, but she's not hard and bitchy. I guess that could be the reversed Queen, though. I see the Queen of Swords as the woman a man may have cheated on before. That could make her vigilant and alert to signs of more cheating. She's a Queen who will hang in there on strength of will when she's in a relationship, determined that she can see it through till the very end no matter what.