The Moon and Harris's Dung beetle


ravenest said:
I think there are some big warnings there. Check the descriptions in BoT.

I don't have the Book of Thoth, what are the big warnings?


One book of Thoth of Thoth.pdf

The Eighteenth Trump is attributed to the letter Qoph, which represents Pisces in the Zodiac. It is called the Moon.
Pisces is the last of the Signs; it represents the last stage of winter. It might be called the Gateway of Resurrection (the letter Qoph means the back of the head, and is connected with the potencies of the cerebellum). In the system of the old Aeon, the resurrection of
the Sun was not only from winter, but from night; and this card represents midnight.
"There is a budding morrow in midnight", wrote Keats. For this reason there appears at the bottom of the card, underneath the water which is tinged with graphs of abomination, the sacred Beetle, the Egyptian Khephra, bearing in his mandibles the Solar Disk. It is this Beetle that bears the Sun in his Silence through the darkness of Night and the bitterness of Winter.
Above the surface of the water is a sinister and forbidding landscape. We see a path or stream, serum tinged with blood, which flows from a gap between two barren mountains; nine drops of impure blood, drop-shaped like Yods, fall upon it from the Moon.
The Moon, partaking as she does of the highest and the lowest, and filling all the space between, is the most universal of the Planets. In her higher aspect, she occupies the place of the Link between the human and divine, as shown in Atu II. In this Trump, her lowest avatar, she joins the earthy sphere of Netzach with Malkuth, the culmination in matter of all superior forms. This is the waning moon, the moon of witchcraft and abominable deeds. She is the poisoned darkness which is the condition of the rebirth of light.
This path is guarded by Tabu. She is uncleanliness and sorcery. Upon the hills are the black towers of nameless mystery, of horror and of fear. All prejudice, all superstition, dead tradition - and ancestral loathing, all combine to darken her face before the eyes of men. It needs unconquerable courage to begin to tread this path. Here is a weird, deceptive life. The fiery sense is baulked. The moon has no air. The knight upon this quest has to rely on the three lower senses: touch, taste and smell. [See the Book of Lies Cap.πβ, Bortsch.] Such light as there may be is deadlier than darkness, and the silence is wounded by the howling of wild beasts.
To what god shall we appeal for aid? It is Anubis, the watcher in the twilight, the god that stands upon the threshold, the jackal god of Khem, who stands in double form between the Ways. At his feet, on watch, wait the jackals themselves, to devour the carcasses of those who have not seen Him, or who have not known His Name.
This is the threshold of life; this is the threshold of death. All is doubtful, all is mysterious, all is intoxicating. Not the benign, solar intoxication of Dionysus, but the dreadful madness of pernicious drugs; this is a drunkenness of sense, after the mind has been abolished by the venom of this Moon. This is that which is written of Abraham in the Book of the Beginning: "An horror of great darkness came upon him." One is reminded of the mental echo of subconscious realization, of that supreme iniquity which mystics have constantly celebrated in their accounts of the Dark Night of the Soul. But the best men, the true men, do not consider the matter in such terms at all. Whatever horrors may afflict the soul, whatever abominations may excite the loathing of the heart, whatever terrors may assail the mind, the answer is the same at every stage: "How splendid is the Adventure!"


Thanks for the quote and the links:)

I wanted to quote this in full as it's so beautiful and I'm too tired to add to this thread right now but will try and do some more research tomorrow.

To Homer

Standing aloof in giant ignorance,
Of thee I hear and of the Cyclades,
As one who sits ashore and longs perchance
To visit dolphin-coral in deep seas.
So thou wast blind! -- but then the veil was rent,
For Jove uncurtain'd Heaven to let thee live,
And Neptune made for thee a spumy tent,
And Pan made sing for thee his forest-hive;

Aye on the shores of darkness there is light,
And precipices show untrodden green;
There is a budding morrow in midnight;
There's a triple sight in blindness keen:
Such seeing hadst thou, as it once befell
To Dian, Queen of Earth, and Heaven, and Hell.

The Complete Poetical Works and Letters of John Keats, Cambridge Edition, p119


More resarch into Moon symbolism

ravenest said:
I always thought so, it sure looks like it, even though I'm pretty sure there wasn't such a beast (biorythems) back then. But it fits.

It looks as though the supposition may be correct. The theory of biorhythms originated at the turn of the 19th century, between 1897 and 1902. The Thoth spanned 5 years in development, from 1938 to 1943. So it's a very real possibility that they were included in the card.

Delving deeper into biorhythms, what is interesting about them is that they are based on circadian rhythms. These rhythms function even without external stimuli ie all organisms have a natural night day cycle. Animals kept in total darkness for extended periods eventually function with a 'free-running' rhythm. Each day, their sleep cycle is pushed back or forward (depending on whether the endogenous period is longer or shorter than 24 hours).

The circadian rhythms also apply to the biological clock. Thus, the information of the time of the day as determined by the eyes may travel to the clock in the brain and through that, clocks in the rest of the body may be synchronized. This is how many behaviour such as drinking water, sleep/wake and body temperature are coordinately controlled.

It's just interesting that the circadian rhythms which coordinate our systems, apparently through the hypothalamus, are responsible for our emotional balance and sleep/wake patterns. For some bizarre reason, I have been researching the hypothalamus recently. But that's neither here nor there - where was I - ah yes.

The hypothalamus is a very complex region of the brain and some of its functions are to coordinates seasonal and circadian rhythms and some behaviours. It also controls food intake and moods. It's linked to depression and insomnia because of melatonin and dopamine. Dopamine is commonly associated with the pleasure system of the brain such as food, sex and certain drugs, melatonin with regulation of sleep.

Anyway, even if the card is not based on biorhythms, it may bear some relation to innate desires from its association with the hypothalamus and therefore motivation, sleep patterns and desires. We know at the very least that the moon has its own rhythms, phases and cycles and so does the body.

There's another similarity with the card which I'm not even sure I should mention but is it only me that sees a woman's sexual organs here?

I also made some interesting associations with the word Qoph. It's apparently derived from a pictogram of a monkey which would relate it to Thoth. Secondly, in Arabic it means nape, which would relate it to the hypothalamus and thirdly Qoph is used in an Israeli phrase: "B'Shin Qoph, Resh" (With Shin, Qoph, Resh). These letters spell Sheqer, which is the Hebrew word for a lie. in the Book of T. Croweley says: "(the letter Qoph means the back of the head, and is connected with the potencies of the cerebellum)" I think he actually means the hypothalamus here and not the cerebellum which simply implies motor coordination.

He goes on to say: "Above the surface of the water is a sinister and forbidding landscape. We see a path or stream, serum tinged with blood, which flows from a gap between two barren mountains; nine drops of impure blood, drop-shaped like Yods, fall upon it from the Moon." Do you think he's referring to menstruation here which is obviously related to the 28 day cycle?

I also dug up some interesting stuff regarding Yods. Firstly, it relates to an astrological conflict with three planets. Two planets work very well together but there is a third which cannot cannot reconcile with the first two and pulls away from it. The compatible and incompatible planets are so vastly different to each other, that they can't even see each other. This causes what is described as a 'coma' and cannot be dealt with, nor should it be or it will cause terrible disruption. So within the Moon card, this would relate to being blinded to something that you cannot resolve. There is also a much less interesting association with a Golden Yod which is related to creativity.

Yod is also the Tenth letter of the Hebrew Alphabet yet there are Nine here...anyway it seems to relate to the wave nature of light, so we delve into quantum physics - The secret of space; To thrust - the principle of action and reaction. Newton, in the 17th century, discovered that actions have equal and opposite reactions. Each physical object influences and in general is influenced in turn by others, however,the ether of the general theory of relativity differs from that of classical mechanics, or the special theory, as it is not absolute. Therefore, Einstein generalized Newton’s idea into the principle of relativity. Such as, there are no absolute physical objects that touch without being touched; Space-time geometry acts on matter to make it move in space; Matter reacts back on space-time to make it curve into gravity etc.

Crowley goes on to say:

"In her higher aspect, she occupies the place of the Link between the human and divine, as shown in Atu II"

Atu II (Silver Star) is Isis-Urania, the Instructress - the Holy Guardian Angel who leads the the Candidate through the Ceremony of Initiation. I'm assuming that's why Crowley goes on to say, "It needs unconquerable courage to begin to tread this path..But the best men, the true men, do not consider the matter in such terms at all. Whatever horrors may afflict the soul, whatever abominations may excite the loathing of the heart, whatever terrors may assail the mind, the answer is the same at every stage: "How splendid is the Adventure!" " as the Candidate who takes up the challenge passes to the next stage of the Aspirant to the Grade of Magister Templi.

So at her highest, Silver Star and at her lowest, Tabu which I assume is the deepest parts of the subconscious. In 1913 Freud wrote a book called Totem and Taboo, which in German was known as Totem und Tabu. In this book, Freud writes various essays about Incest, Emotional Ambivalencee and Magic amongst others. It's an interesting collection that talks about the way societies are structured in order to prevent things like incest and intermarriage, omnipotence and magic. He says:

""Taboos, we must suppose, are prohibitions of primeval antiquity which were at some time externally imposed upon a generation of primitive men; they must, that is to say, no doubt have been impressed on them violently by the previous generation. These prohibitions must have concerned activities towards which there was a strong inclination. They must then have persisted from generation to generation, perhaps merely as a result of tradition transmitted through parental and social authority....Anyone who has violated a taboo becomes taboo himself because he possesses the dangerous quality of tempting others to follow his example."" p32

And we all know what Crowley thought about taboos;)


caridwen said:
It looks as though the supposition may be correct. The theory of biorhythms originated at the turn of the 19th century, between 1897 and 1902. The Thoth spanned 5 years in development, from 1938 to 1943. So it's a very real possibility that they were included in the card.
Aha! Thaks for that ... so my interpretations haven't been that crazy for all those years.


Yes I agree with the take on the moon / biorythems and cycles incuding the menstral cycle. It is all a big part of Crowley's system.

Like your post but it's a bit difficult to deal with at the moment ... (saturday .I'm in the midst of avery busy cafe )


But I wrote this at home last night:

caridwen said:
I also read that the dung beetle relates to eight gods called the Ogdoad who were depicted in four pairs. Each pair was made up of one male and one female - the females were associated with snakes and the males, frogs. Each pair represented one of four concepts, namely the primordial waters (Naunet and Nu), air or invisibility (Amunet and Amun), darkness (Kauket and Kuk), and eternity or infinite space (Hauhet and Huh). Within the Ogdoad system, Thoth was associated with the moon because baboons sang to the moon at night.

I cant see the relationship of dung beetle (Keph-ra ?) to the Ogdoad. The system I prefer interprets the Ogdoad thus :

The Ogdoad consists of 4 pairs, each pair is seen as a polarity of the level of energy (or creation / function) it represents, one way of representing this is showing them as male or female.

The first level is manifest through Nun and Naunet, depicted as human and seated in the ‘one-knee-up’ position. The second pair, Huh and Hauhet are the frogs. The third pair, Kuk and Kauket (male and female) are depicted as serpents or horned vipers (although their names do sound like frog calls). The forth and final manifestation (in the Hermopolitan tradition) is the male and female pair Djehuti and Maat.

There were four main ‘traditions’ that held sway over the four main centers in Ancient Egypt, relating to the four directions. The Hermopolitan tradition ‘ruled’ in the south and was attributed to water or the world of Manu. (The direction of the source of the Nile, the floods on which the whole civilization was built and the constant water flow all year.)

Manu is about the first phase of creation so the Neteru are primeval and express the archetypes in the first levels of formation.

The original water of creation is Nun, the active source of life; Naunet is passive and the source of the material of creation. The frogs are said to be constantly in the activity of teeming reproduction, the drive of the life force to divide and multiply, they represent the cosmic forces of expansion and contraction which generate life. The two snakes are the conscious and unconscious world. Djehuti then issues forth his word, the vibration through matter, of life. Maat creates structure and order, matrices and patterns through which the energy manifests and to whose ‘law’ it must respond.


harlequin beetle

Teheuti said:
I'm delighted to learn about the harlequin beetle. Still, it seems a bit strange that a rather rare Peruvian beetle would end up emerging out of the waters of the Moon card pushing a sun. It goes down on my list of possibilities, but I still think it is some kind of water beetle.

Now I think I found a possible answer for the question "Why South American beetle?" Frieda Harris had to consult entomology books for the correct images of beetles and one of those books must have been "Text-Book of Entomology" (1885) by W.F.Kirby. Please look at the picture. The frontpiece shows our Longimanus.

W.F.Kirby(1844-1912) was an assistant in zoological department of the British Museum and known as an eminent entomologist in his days. But more intresting thing is that he was one of the veteran occultists of Victorian-Edwardian era. A member of the Theosophical Society, and the Honorary Secretary to the Hermetic Society of Anna Kingsford in 1884. In 1895 he was initiated into the Oder of the Golden Dawn; became 5-6 in 1897, participated in Yeats's "Castle of Heroes" project. Perhaps he was also one of the "London experts" whom Crowley asked the identity of his strange beetle. I think it was natural for Frieda Harris to consult books by Kirby for Tarot images.


Bravo Roppo! Well hunted!


Hi, all. This is fascinating info on the beetle of the moon card. Especially that last picture. It's actually quite beautiful!

Here is my IDS on the Moon, written before I read through this thread!

The moon is an inverted cup emptying out a blue sphere with red and blue waves. A path/stream between two mountains and towers lead to it. Below the earth is the scarab bearing the sun back to the east where it will rise in the morning. Guarding the towers and path are two Anubis creatures with jackals.

Crowley points out this is an unflattering picture of female body parts. He says the path/stream is a polluted flow of blood and semen. And that the 9 drops of blood shed by the moon are polluted blood. But the polluted stream flows below ground and creates the areole of the Sun. And the lines below the surface are graphs, presumably graphs of fluctuations caused by the moon, including hormone/menstrual fluctuations.

While I can understand the symbols of a waning moon and menstruation as the ending of a situation without the potential being fulfilled, this still needs a feminist revision!!! And many “new” decks have done just that. (One of my first decks was Motherpeace, so I know whereof I speak!) To be fair, the Priestess as the highest form/symbolism of the moon and the Moon as the lowest give us a balanced pair of feminine symbols. And the male body parts feature prominently ! on the Devil, so I guess it all works out. But the disgust factor still seems a bit high here.

The Moon and the Priestess together show the sphere of Yesod, the moon, as the connection between earth and heaven, either the first step of the aspirant toward heaven or the last step of spirit’s descent/imprisonment in matter. Such in-between places are where ghosts, monsters, horrors, unreasoning fears, subconscious fantasies hang out. I think that’s what the towers symbolize—places of unknown fear, torture, and imprisonment. Fear is always magnified by not knowing. And pain is magnified by fear. And fear in itself is an imprisonment, and it can cause imprisonment in addiction or madness.

Now the guardians. Anubis is the psychopomp, the one who guides the souls of the dead to the afterlife. This is the same place of transition for them, as well as for spiritual seekers or dreamers who are also in the in-between place. They hold phoenix wands, appropriate for death and afterlife. (Note to self: find out what the wings on the foot of the phoenix wand means.) But what are they guarding? Are they trying to keep us out or in? Maybe they are trying to scare us away. If we’re scared of them, we won’t be able to handle the even scarier things farther along.

Snuffin points out differences between the two guardians. He says the one on the left is actually Set, pointing out his narrower snout (like a crocodile?) and longer neck and ears. (They also have different clothes.) Set was the brother and murderer of Osiris. When we go to the in-between world of the subconscious, we have to confront our own death and think about where we go after that. He holds an ankh (symbol of eternal life) that looks suspiciously like Mercury. Reasoning and communication won’t do you much good here in the realm of the Moon. Anubis’s ankh is a combination of Neptune and Venus. Neptune rules Pisces and Venus is exalted in Pisces. Their energies are more conducive to getting along in the Moon realm.

So what are the energies of Neptune, Venus, and Pisces, you ask? Since I don’t have a good grasp on Pisces or Neptune, I’m hitting the books. Banzhaf: “Pisces has great longing for spiritual experiences, transcendent worlds, or simply release from the confines of the body, which can be experienced as a prison.” “Strives for being one with the Holy Spirit.” “Pitfall: Mistaking the spirit of wine for the Holy Spirit.” “Willing to make sacrifices for others. Boundless sympathy . . . great spiritual advisers who listen and understand without evaluating.”

Neptune: “The mystic, the visionary, the martyr. The crackpot, the addict, the alcoholic.”

All these fit in with the in-between world of the moon. As for Virgo, Crowley says “The knight on this quest [to the sphere of the Moon] has to rely on the three lower senses: touch, taste and smell.”

In a reading: Beware of illusion and confusion, including fears and dreams/nightmares. What you don’t know CAN hurt you. Things probably won’t turn out as you planned. But the sun will come out tomorrow!