The situation between us pt. 2: Advice


Tarot of the old path

I'm still dating the same guy... I don't think either of us are in touch with the other person's emotions... it bothers me quite a bit. And I can't help but be harsh and insensitive to him sometimes. Anyways, I feel bad about it, and I wonder if I need to just let it/him go.

What can I do to improve things between us:
(ace of rods fell, ace of pentacles fell)
Base Card: Tower

I feel like the advice as what I can do to improve things between us is... just wake up and lighten up? Experience great joy? I have no clue. We've gone through several tower phases, so I wonder what the tower indicates each time. I think it's a new awareness and realizing that our relationship is not based on much of a foundation and that we need to rebuild it.

What do you think?


I considered that all one reading since it was on the same person/issue, so I posted my take over on your other thread.