the partner relationship spread


I found this and decided to try it:


1) How he/she feels about you (querant)
2) How he/she feels about the relationship with you
3) What he/she wants or expects from the relationship with you
4) What are his/her challenges
5) What you should do (Advice to querant)

Here's what I got (Rider Waite):

1. 8 of Cups reversed

He's not following his dream. Something is holding him back.

I pulled a clarifier and got the 3 of Swords. I think there's also considerable pain here. He feels heartbroken over something.

2. Wheel of Fortune

However, he does seem to see the relationship as something fortunate, a change for the better.

I'm struggling to reconcile 1. with 2. I think this is someone who, even though he sees the relationship in a positive way, is still having trouble moving foward. Something painful is holding him back.

3. 7 of Wands.

I think he expects a struggle. This won't be easy.

I pulled a clarifier here as well and got the 3 of Cups, reversed. Perhaps he fears that things won't go well.

4. 8 of Pentacles.

This is something new for him. It will take work.

5. 8 of Swords, reversed

I was completely stumped here so I pulled a clarifier: Fool, reversed

I think the message is that I should back off, don't make him feel trapped and let him do it all on his own timing, when he wants.


I think you have some pretty good interpretations here.

1. 8 of Cups reversed. Any chance this could take on the old-school meaning... that he feels you are a malicious blonde?

2. Wheel of Fortune - For me, when the Wheel comes up in a relationship spread, it usually means someone feels stuck (him) and not on the same page as the other person.. this may not be true for you- just my interpretation.

3. 7 of Wands - Again, this card to me in relationships is about someone feeling stifled, but being able to/wanting to come through it.

4. 8 of Pentacles - Maybe he has trouble paying "attention to details" you care about in the relationship.

5. 8 of Swords reversed. - If this is the advice for you - then I think you have a good interpretation here - release how you believe the relationship "should" be and just let it flow.


1) How he/she feels about you (querant) 8 cups Rx Well, it shows that he doesn't want to walk away from you, he's prepared to hang in there through thick and thin.

2) How he/she feels about the relationship with you Wheel He feels that it is slowly developing.

3) What he/she wants or expects from the relationship with you 7 wands That the relationship is worth fighting for, that it will be worth the effort in the long run and therefore can stand the test of time and endurance.

4) What are his/her challenges 8 pents His challenge is to devote himself to making a success of the relationship.

5) What you should do (Advice to querant) 8 swords Rx You need to see what is holding you back, and overcome your fears.

Here's what I got (Rider Waite):

2. Wheel of Fortune

However, he does seem to see the relationship as something fortunate, a change for the better.

I'm struggling to reconcile 1. with 2. I think this is someone who, even though he sees the relationship in a positive way, is still having trouble moving foward. Something painful is holding him back.

3. 7 of Wands.

I think he expects a struggle. This won't be easy.

I pulled a clarifier here as well and got the 3 of Cups, reversed. Perhaps he fears that things won't go well.

4. 8 of Pentacles.

This is something new for him. It will take work.

5. 8 of Swords, reversed


Thank you.

I guess it doesn't look that bad even though my relationship with this person right now is rather strained.