The Soul-Coffee Spread



Coffee is a passion shared by millions of people around the world. If you're a fan, there's nothing quite like that much-needed cup of joe lighting up your insides with its life-giving blend of taste, aroma, and sheer pick-me-up.

But what serves the same purpose for your spirit? What gets you all revved up and ready for the world?

What's your ideal cup of metaphorical soul-coffee like?

1 = INTAKE. Small, medium, or large? Tall, Grande, or Venti? Petite, Moderate, or Frigging Gargantuan? Whatever your spiritual go-juice is, when you ingest it, do you do that in small quantities, or do you need to have barrels of it on hand? Do you sip it delicately, or do you guzzle it down in great gulps? What's your intake like?

2 = TASTE. Some like their coffee strong and bitter, so that swallowing it is almost like a trial...others want it so sweet that a child could happily drink it. Is your soul-coffee harsh and demanding...light and sugary...or something in between?

3 = INTENSITY. You can find coffee drinkers who favor decaf – they like the taste and the smell and the ritual of the coffee, but they don't want the caffeine. You can also find some for whom the caffeine is the whole point, and the liquid coffee part is just a delivery system. Is your soul-coffee about the pleasures of taking it in...or is it about the rush that it provides you?

4 = ORIGIN. Do you favor a boost that comes from local, homegrown, familiar sources? Or do you feel most drawn to the exotic fare that hails from far-off lands? Where does your soul-coffee originate?


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Thank you frac_ture.
I have read that we drink more coffee per capita in Finland than in any other country in the whole wide world. 12 kilograms/person/year. That is more than anywhere else!
So yes, needless to say, I had to add this one to the Tarot Spreads Index :D


Hi, Hemera -- how are you?? I hope all's well there with you...and that you're staying suitably caffeinated!

I just relocated to Providence, RI, and I read that this city has more coffeeshops per capita than any other city in the US. We're apparently like a city-sized soulmate for your country in that regard! So coffee has been on my mind even more than it usually is...hence, the Soul-Coffee Spread.

Thank you for adding this spread to the index!


Such a lovely idea! I just thought I want to find some nice spread to do just for myself. It's just perfect 'cause I love coffee. I like tea, I drink it from time to time but coffee... nothing can replace a cup or a huge mug of this amazing drink.

Thank you for sharing :heart:


Such a lovely idea! I just thought I want to find some nice spread to do just for myself. It's just perfect 'cause I love coffee. I like tea, I drink it from time to time but coffee... nothing can replace a cup or a huge mug of this amazing drink.

Thank you for sharing :heart:

Hi, Seedcake - I'm so glad this spread speaks to another fellow coffee lover! It's true: nothing can replace coffee. I had to get up early today, so I even brought some along from home so I wouldn't have to skip my ritual...

I hope the spread yields up some great findings for you!


Thank you frac_ture.
I have read that we drink more coffee per capita in Finland than in any other country in the whole wide world. 12 kilograms/person/year. That is more than anywhere else!
So yes, needless to say, I had to add this one to the Tarot Spreads Index :D

Tell me about it. A couple of weeks ago i was visiting a Finnish friend who lives in Brussels. I had a bit too much coffee... I was awake for two whole days and nights. LOL


I love this! Thank you! :)


Tell me about it. A couple of weeks ago i was visiting a Finnish friend who lives in Brussels. I had a bit too much coffee... I was awake for two whole days and nights. LOL

There is such a thing as too much of a good thing, it's true...

I love this! Thank you! :)

Glad you like this one! And I just looked at your profile, and saw that you have your eye on the Epic Tarot -- it's really good! I've been using it a lot for the last month or two, and I'm really enjoying it...