The star as his expectations from me?

Girl Archer

I did a relationships dynamic reading and got the star in the "What does he expect from me?" position but I honestly cant think of any explanation for Star in this weird position! Because I usually interpret star as hope, inspiration, blessings, keeping the faith, light at the end of the tunnel etc... So, is he expecting me to be the "light at the end of the tunnel"? If yes, what does that mean? What IS he expecting from me?


He may have an idealized vision of you that he's expecting you to live up to.

Girl Archer

He may have an idealized vision of you that he's expecting you to live up to.

Wow, that IS a lot to live up to and is quite stressful, not to mention unhealthy for the relationship right?

So he basically likes the me in his head? :O


pull another card to get a clarified message...

could be that he sees you as someone who will help heal wounds from his past, remembering that the Star comes after the Tower. It could also be that he sees you as helping him get over his past, but not necessarily for a long term relationship. It could be a lot of things... :)

I'm quite into using the astrological elements of the cards at the moment.. the Star is Aquarius, which in love is quite detached and can be unemotional. It is an idealistic sign, but in an unemotional sort of way. It could be that he expects you to be an inspiration to him, a guiding light.


I'll just add, asking the question 'what does he expect of me' is quite a leading question...! Any answer to that question will feel like a lot to live up to! Why assume he expects anything of you in that way? :)

Girl Archer

I'll just add, asking the question 'what does he expect of me' is quite a leading question...! Any answer to that question will feel like a lot to live up to! Why assume he expects anything of you in that way? :)

Indeed. However, I did not ask that question. This was actually one of the positions in the relationship dynamics spread that I found here on one of the threads in the forum :) and yes, I agree expecting to live up to someone's expectations is just wrong, horribly stressful and of course upsets the power balance of a relationship. Wouldn't you say 'What can we do for each other' is a better way of shedding light on the situation? :)

Great interpretation by the way. So often, I get lost in interpreting the cards that I fail to consider their 'flow' which would of course add another dimension to the the one you said about healing his hurts given star was after tower...