The Sword Spread


I saw this in a very dated post, and I had a few interesting points I'd like to discuss. Basically, here is the spread. It was found at, which is now a dead link.

The Sword Spread:


1.The heart of the matter
2.Your starting point
3.Your foundation – something you can rest on which you already have
4.Your support – an outside source that will aid you, chance
5.A problem that's being solved
6.A desire/dream that's being fulfilled
7.New knowledge and insights that will be gained through this situation

I've changed the wording slightly, but not the actual meanings, because i felt that the descriptions were rather watered-down and brief.

I instantly found this spread very interesting and unique. The point I would like to make is that, unlike many other tarot spreads, this spread does not offer a "solution" or "outcome" to the problem. It is more about the progress that the querent is making in a particular situation, and therefore I feel it is a very useful spread that can be used in conjunction with other spreads, either to prime a reading or to follow-up a reading if more information is desired.

For example you could use a classic spread like Celtic Cross to get a nice, well-rounded look at the situation, but if further insight is desired, you could follow up with The Sword to see what progress the querent is actually making in the situation, as opposed to what the Celtic Cross suggests they "should be" doing.

This spread is aptly named because while it is all about progress, the sword is a tool of putting ideas into action. I love how the spread is broken up by the parts of the sword.

The card relating to the hilt is the beginning, or starting point. The querent takes sword in hand.

The 3 cards representing the guard deal with the heart of the conflict and resources which can be used to aid and "defend" the querent.

And finally, the 3 cards representing the blade deal with the "attack", or the actions that are being taken, in regards to both conflicts being resolved, and dreams being fullfiled, also in the end, knowledge being obtained. To me that represents stepping back and looking at what has been done with the sword, and learning from it. The sword may have been used to take an opponent's life, and therefore the user is forced to consider the significance and reason for taking that life. Or maybe the sword was just used to cut down a tree limb blocking a path, or cut someone free from ropes, in which other lessons are learned.

While it is slightly possible that I am reading much further into this than was originally planned for this spread, I think it's a spread that inspires very interesting perspectives, and one that has definately worked its way into my Tarot spread repertoire.