The Three Dangerous Magi


Saw this today and ordered a copy. I thought a few of the Thoth regulars might be interested too. I should have it in a couple of days, so I'll let you know what it's like. :D

The Three Dangerous Magi: Osho, Gurdjieff, Crowley by P.T. Mistlberger.

The Most Dangerous man since Jesus Christ, the Sex Guru, the Ambassador from Hell, the Black Devil of Ashkhabad, The King of Depravity, and the Wickedest Man in the World. These were some of the labels given to three of the most notorious figures of 20th century spirituality: Osho (formerly known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh), G.I. Gurdjieff, and Aleister Crowley. Beneath the controversies and scandals that swirled around all three the author argues that these men, egocentric tendencies notwithstanding, were brilliant thinkers and extraordinary masters of their craft, that of the science of inner transformation, and in particular the art of balancing the so called Left and Right Hand spiritual paths. These men were not humble sages. They were bona fide crazy wisdom masters and consistently went where angels fear to tread. They did not teach with the faint praise of new age fluff or the stuffy platitudes of religious sermons, but rather with a flaming sword, and were a genuine menace to all seekers who fear to face the abyss of their own egos.


That DOES sound juicy


If this book will let me finally understand the connection to the enneagram and Goethe's color theory, I will likely bite.


At first I thought this as a new theory on the three Magus cards in the USG edition. Thank Nuit it something more interesting ;)


Grigori said:
At first I thought this as a new theory on the three Magus cards in the USG edition.
It would have to be a good theory to fill 714 pages. :laugh:

My copy is currently being roughly man-handled by postal workers in some godforsaken hole called Bedfordshire. If it survives the ordeal it might be here by tomorrow. :)


That looks quite good actually!

I'd love to hear what you think of it.


Kindle version 7.99!!! i might get that... hmm.


Hedera said:
That looks quite good actually!

I'd love to hear what you think of it.
I'm roughly half way through at the moment, so I can't pass final judgement. But so far it has been very good indeed. Mistlberger's style is very easy going, almost conversational. It's a real page turner.

One thing that has impressed me most is Mistlberger's informed, mature, and balanced treatment of the Three Magi. Even when he covers subject matter that might be considered difficult or controversial, he never resorts to the usual moralising and finger wagging that you find in more superficial works. And that's not surprising when you consider that he has several decades of practical experience to draw upon. It's abundantly clear that he's not an uninformed commentator. His insight into the theory and practice of each of the Magi speaks volumes. But in spite of that, at no point does it become a heavy or dry read.

Recommended! :D


brightcrazystar said:
Kindle version 7.99!!! i might get that... hmm.

Grrr, I got all excited but it's only available to US Kindle users, not us internationals :(

If you're enjoying it though Aeon, it's likely worth the expense and wait of shipping from Amazon. I guess I'll have to order one and expect it to arrive eventually!