The Tower


I have nervous energy. A lot of it. I get rid of it by drawing, solving rubix cubes, or shuffling cards. When I shuffle cards I often pull a card just to look at it briefly then put it back in to shuffle.

Last night I was shuffling cards, and one of my housemates was sitting on the couch with me. He's barely a highschool student, interested in tarot, pretty cool kid, doesn't bug me so I didn't care that he was watching me shuffle (normally I hate when people do that)

I shuffled shuffled shuffled, pulled the top card, it was the tower. Put in the middle. Shuffled shuffled shuffled, cut, shuffled, pulled top card. Tower. Put tower on top, shuffled shuffled shuffled, pulled from middle. Tower. Shuffled shuffled shuffled cut cut shuffled. Looked at the bottom of the deck, tower. The other kid on the couch was awed, and I couldn't explain it better than he could.

So once I finish up on some owed readings, I'm going to do a bit of looking into this "tower" business. Anyone have any opinions on the tower they would like to discuss?


The last time this happened to me, I had a VERY nasty experience that ended me up moving to a place that was extremely unsavory. It was through no fault of my own and totally out of the blue.

I'm talking about physically moving as in changing my residence.

Miss Divine

Like Grizabella, I too had a very NASTY experience with the Tower constantly showing up like that. Basically, be prepared for anything! :S


I had a positive experience with The Tower recently in which I found out my father received a well-deserved promotion and my parents were moving which meant I had the option of living on my own or moving with them. Seeing Miss Divine and Grizabella's comments I wonder if it's a doorway being opened for you sometime soon :)


for me it has not always meant nasty, or negative things.

The Tower has meant news, unexpected news, but good news. Something that happened out of the blue and brought a big surprise. The Tower for me has a neutral meaning, and I always look at the cards close to it.
It is just telling you that something will happen that will shake you, but it could well be in a positive way...a great surprise, like when you hear from someone after a long time out of the blue or you fall in love.
That could also be the message of the Tower.


for me it has not always meant nasty, or negative things.

The Tower has meant news, unexpected news, but good news. Something that happened out of the blue and brought a big surprise. The Tower for me has a neutral meaning, and I always look at the cards close to it.
It is just telling you that something will happen that will shake you, but it could well be in a positive way...a great surprise, like when you hear from someone after a long time out of the blue or you fall in love.
That could also be the message of the Tower.

If there was a "like" button here, I'd click it!


Hm, I got this for how someone felt about me several times. Someone in the forum told me that the Tower is a phallic symbol, which can mean someone can be sexually interested in you or "you rock their world". In the end I never did know how they felt, *sighs*, haha. I once got this reversed for internal changes too, just thought I'd throw this in too. :)


could the tower card be for the boy? did the tower showed up before he sat next to you?


Something you've got your mind set on may not turn out to plan.


The last time this happened to me, I had a VERY nasty experience that ended me up moving to a place that was extremely unsavory. It was through no fault of my own and totally out of the blue.

I'm talking about physically moving as in changing my residence.

I live in an unsavory place at the moment, not the people but the conditions are less than ideal. Living changes aren't a big deal for me, as I move often without warning, but the surprise concept is still applicable.