Three (3) of Swords as Want?


I'm a little astounded if what I'm thinking I read in my cards is correct. Is it possible that if someone wants 3 of Swords about you, that they want to "hurt" you?

This is someone I haven't been talking to in quite some time...but it's not possible that the 3 of Swords means "hurt," is it? Could it be they want something else? Break the silence and talk (break the stalemate of the 2 of Swords) instead? Someone wanting to intentionally hurt someone else is so...wrong.

Thank you.

Oh, and I hope this is right forum to post in. It's always confusing where things like this go.


P.S. I used the Druidcraft deck; see attached image.


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It could mean to cause you pain and suffering through isolating you from others, from family/friends.


Hi Goddess,

The Three of Swords is a card that always manages to fascinate me on so many levels - I think mainly because it has so many differing opinions on its meaning. In your case however, the first thing that popped into my mind was the need to make someone 'feel'. Granted, not in a nice way. The only example I can think of would be...a bitter ex who still has feelings for you. Example, they want to know that you still care, so they'll make digs/do whatever to get a reaction out of you.

Just my two cents anyways,


Thank you willowfox and charmy. I think you both pretty much got the feeling I did with regards to this card, though I was trying hard to see a "positive" side to this. The three of swords, though not always a bad card, in this case didn't feel like a good one in the position of want...considering that we are not speaking to one another, and one of us (not me) is not happy about it. However, I thought maybe there are other...perhaps positive sides to it as a "want".

Healing? Speaking about the hurt? No? :)

Thank you.



Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (7)

"Desire," it is said, "carries bondage in its womb and is the cause of all sorrow."

"The works of followers after Union make neither for bright pleasure nor for dark pain. The works of others make for pleasure or pain, or a mingling of these.

"The man of desire wins from his works the reward of pleasure, or incurs the penalty of pain; or, as so often happens in life, his guerdon, like the passionate mood of the lover, is part pleasure and part pain. Works done with self- seeking bear within them the seeds of future sorrow; conversely, according to the proverb, present pain is future gain.

"But, for him who has gone beyond desire, whose desire is set on the Eternal, neither pain to be avoided nor pleasure to be gained inspires his work. He fears no hell and desires no heaven. His one desire is, to know the will of the Father and finish His work. He comes directly in line with the divine Will, and works cleanly and immediately, without longing or fear. His heart dwells in the Eternal; all his desires are set on the Eternal.


Once again it's all about the context.

You say that you haven't spoken to this person for ages so at the moment the relationship the two of you have is in a 2 of Swords stage. You have a stalemate, an uneasy peace. Things are not being said, emotions may be being ignored.
I would say that the 3 of Swords says that you need to break this stalemate, move past it, say what needs to be said. Things need to be brought out into the open and that's what this person wants from you, the end of the stalemate.
Only once the things that need to be said have been said can the pair of you move on and heal.

The cards are not islands of meaning based purely on the image, they come as part of a suit. They also have a number and they have a context, once you've given them a context.
You're trying to read a card based on a keyword of 'hurt' and it's so much more than that.


Happy Christmas!

"The Grinch's heart," they said, "grew three sizes that day."


Sulis said:
Once again it's all about the context.

The cards are not islands of meaning based purely on the image, they come as part of a suit. They also have a number and they have a context, once you've given them a context.
You're trying to read a card based on a keyword of 'hurt' and it's so much more than that.

This should be tattooed on readers hands...


Within the context of this discussion, my immediate thought on the meaning of the 3 of Swords as a "want" in a relationship is the willingness of the person to sacrifice or disrupt the "stability" of the relationship for something more.

Does one person in the relationship have a more "pie in the sky" attitude than the other? More willing to act on the spur of the moment or do something outrageous? As a want, this could indicate that this person wants the other to be more spontaneous and less cautious or practical despite the risk or repercussions.

:love: valeria


As was said, the situation is at a stalemate (2 of Swords) stage right now and 3 of Swords is the next step. What I believe is meant is that the other person wants you to hurt like they're hurting (they perceive that they're the one who has hurt the most and that you haven't been hurt at all) and yes, this could mean doing you harm, I'm sorry to say. If you look at the 4 of Swords, coming after the 3, you see someone who looks as though they're dead. I'm not saying that this person would be aiming to take your life, but taking the three cards into account, it's not a very comforting picture, is it?

Given all these things, with 3 of Swords being someone's desire about you, I'd watch my back if I were you.