Three of Cups Relationship Direction Meaning



So I've had a few readings done about what kind of relationship I will have/what kind of relationship "X" wants with me. The Three of Cups always manages to wind up in the readings upright. Now, I know that the general meaning of the card is about exuberance and friendship, but what does that say about the relationship? Is it simply platonic or does it have a romantic connotation as well? The Ace of Cups also popped up in a reading last night. I always thought the cups suit had to do with love, but I'm unsure. Any help would be greatly appreciated...


just a guess but maybe he see's the relationship going in the direction of you and him / other friends just hanging out having a good time together


What do you mean by other friends? Like other people in the background?


shotthebreeze said:
What do you mean by other friends? Like other people in the background?

not so much people in the background, do you and other person go out alot? clubs? restuarants? maybe with friends? maaaaaaybe he is feeling that he needs to introuduce you to his friends? maybe he wants to have you join his group of ppl? just throwing thoughts out...but then again maybe he feels that you would make a fun person to be around so the relationship in his mind may lead to you and him having a great time/parties/family outings/so forth


well if the ace of cups popped up i guess depending where, that has alawys been a VERY loving/receiving alot of love/feelings of being wanted by someone least for me


Well, I would definitely take this as a good sign.

The 3 of Cups relates to emotional sharing, bonding, developing relationships. Threes are about growth, expansion, development.

Whilst the 3 of Cups may not indicate instant romance, it does suggest that X is very keen to spend time with you, getting to know you, sharing with you and taking your relationship forward. So, yes, as shadowmon says this could mean X would like to hang out with you as a friend/with other friends but what better way to nurture a budding relationship? It would suggest they definitely like you and find you 'sympatico'. :)

It could mean that you need to wait a while to see if there's potential for a romantic relationship there but on the bright side you can get to know each other much better in the meantime.


Ah, yes...I got it now. I was introduced to the best friend. I think that might be a sign of something. I have been asked to hang out with them and their group of friends, but I have been too busy. The question of the day is, do they want approval from their friends or do they just want me to be another one of their friends?


Goodness me, there have been four replies since I started posting!

The question of the day is, do they want approval from their friends or do they just want me to be another one of their friends?
You're asking as though the 3 of Cups indicates the best possible outcome of your relationship, rather than what X wants now, or what the next step is in the relationship. "Just" wanting you to be another one of their friends doesn't limit the relationship to that for ever. (Nor is there any guarantee of it going any further...but my point is the 3 of Cups seems to be a step in the right direction). :)


shotthebreeze said:
Ah, yes...I got it now. I was introduced to the best friend. I think that might be a sign of something. I have been asked to hang out with them and their group of friends, but I have been too busy. The question of the day is, do they want approval from their friends or do they just want me to be another one of their friends?

well for the last question i would take this just from people in general not from the cards, hopefully they dont jump too quickly on judgement but id say that like with any other person they would like to get to kno you and then go from there, unless they already know you, if so then they want u as another friend :)


I would take this as a good sign he wants something more than just friendship. You have moved past the attraction/decision-to-move-the-relationship-forward stage to the actual moving of the relationship forward with the Three of Cups. I know this card often comes up to signify celebrating and partying with friends, but for a pointed question like yours, I think that this may be much more significant than just that.