Tips and advice...


The best and maybe only way to really get comfortable with face to face reading is just to jump in and do it! I keep a deck in my handbag at all times, and on occasion I do read for others. The more I do it, the easier it is getting both in terms of reading and also presentation. It's actually just beginning to get really comfortable for me and I've been reading for 7 or 8 years now. :)

And you know when it got good? When I finally just loosened up and quit worrying about saying things correctly, explaining, etc, and just read, speaking to the sitter and having a conversation about their reading and not just flipping cards and spouting meanings. In other words, do your readings in the way that it is most comfortable for you, the way that feels most natural.

As a general rule, I do not use spreads. I feel compelled to lay cards in three sets of three, and then at the end of a reading, I draw a shadow card, one that reflects on and wraps up the reading. So when people ask me to read for them, that is how I do it, unless they request a specific spread.

Also, as you read for others and get their feedback, affirmations, etc, your confidence will increase tremendously.

I hope things work out wonderfully for you.

Great advise! Thank you Morticia! :)



First I shuffle the cards, hand them to the sitter and say: "Just shuffle your questions in!". Breaks the ice.
I fan them out and let the sitter choose the cards.

At the beginning I insist on cut the deck in a special way, but gave up later on it.
It works fine without it and the sitter aren't that confused anymore ("How should I cut???Three piles? And now, once again?" arrgghhh!!!).