To charge or not


I am currently going through a bit of a dilemma. One of my friends recently purchased a RW deck and is literally after my life to teach her to read the cards. Doing readings is one thing but teaching someone tarot is another thing. I got myself into this huge huge mess and have no choice but to teach her the entire process of learning tarot (which I am not very happy about). :( The question is, should I charge her for teaching her or should I teach her for free? What would you do in this situation? :confused:


I don't understand why you feel you have "No Choice". Why not direct her to a few good beginning books and websites. If she's truly interested in learning they should be of interest to her, and she can get started on her own.

I see no problem with charging to teach her, but then I've never been in this kind of situation. Would you charge someone you didn't know? Would you teach a class? Or are you wanting to charge her in hopes that she'll change her mind?


If you want to charge her, I'm assuming you want compensation for your time?

If I was in your position, I'd explain that while you appreciate her coming to you for help, and that you want to help, you can't help her on a frequent basis. Give her the resources and tools needed to learn, maybe just setup a day once a week where you can get together and practice/teach. I wouldn't blow her off entirely and tell her to figure it out on her own, because your friend might have underlining reasons for learning tarot. For instance, using it as a way to better understand you and hang out more or have something in common, etc.


Give her the resources and tools needed to learn, maybe just setup a day once a week where you can get together and practice/teach.
I was trying to figure out how to say this, and then I just gave up. Perfect!


Get her a good book. Guide her to all of the great learning websites out there today, many of the free. Teaching someone would be very time consuming, maybe she doesn't realize that.

I think a lot of people give up when they realize tarot isn't something they can learn overnight. I did, way back when I got my first deck. I tried to memorize each card individually, and it was just impossible. There is a great book out, been around for years, called The Easy Tarot Guide by Marcia Masino. Kind of weird title, because it doesn't make it easy - but it's the book that finally helped me. It teaches in terms of groups - the suites, the elements, the numbers - so you can learn all of the general concepts before breaking it down to the specifics. There are tests and worksheets at the end of each section, like a textbook. Very helpful. My copy is so old, and I still reach for it when I need to look something up. I am sure other books have come out in the years since I bought my Masino book, but I have never been tempted to buy any others because everything I need is in this one book. I hear it is out in a new edition, I may get it.

The Idiot's Guide to the Tarot and the Idiot's Guide to Tarot Spreads are also very helpful for beginners.


How did you learn? I think it was just mostly on your own and interacting here, wasn't it? Why not tell her that she can learn the same way? If you could do it, so can she. Learning on one's own is probably the best way to do it, in my opinion.


ah hail

it been a long time since we talked there a_shikhs.

what i propose is this, as friend i would is
1. come up with 1 beginner book,, one intermediate book that helped you
so she may purchase them at her liesure.

2. come up with an quick outline so she can study on her own, what the cards mean conscisely (this part may help you out as well)

3. give her a quick self study lesson p lan..

to share one thing is i once sat my friend down who wanted to learn and ran through the major arcana with her,, she really wanted to learn.. then after i asked her about it,, she said she didnt' want to learn ,, it was to hard.(i gave her a book and a deck to study the sacred rose tarot and she lost it ).
so i realized i am not a good tarot teacher as i expected her to study on her own.

and i think that is the main part unless you are enthused that you want to teach her the tarot on a weekly basis you have move to get her to study on her own,, yet give her all the resources you perhaps didnt' have like as griz said ,, tell her to come here and start reading threads, the thirteen tarot basics.


I would charge her...why not? People charge for tarot readings...I make money giving readings professionally. I don't think it is unethical to charge a friend for time that is so sacred nowadays. Just explain to her that you really need the money and that tarot is something that makes money and that she will get her money back when she starts giving tarot readings and charging money for it. If she doesn't want to pay, then refer her to a free site called There is a free learning course on there that even issues a certificate for beginners (and also has an advanced if you want to pay the membership fee). Tell her you don't want to let her down. I have seen other learning courses on the internet, too, that are free. If she really wants to learn...she will learn irregardless of what you say or do if she puts her mind to it.
A book that I highly recommend is Tarot Made Easy by Nancy Garen. Great book that gives indepth meanings of each card without guessing. The only bad thing is it doesn't give reversals.

Blessed be,



I am currently going through a bit of a dilemma. One of my friends recently purchased a RW deck and is literally after my life to teach her to read the cards. Doing readings is one thing but teaching someone tarot is another thing. I got myself into this huge huge mess and have no choice but to teach her the entire process of learning tarot (which I am not very happy about). :( The question is, should I charge her for teaching her or should I teach her for free? What would you do in this situation? :confused:

Hi, newbie here.

If your friend is so interested in tarot, she could start learning on her own.
When I decided I wanted to learn how to read tarot, I bought my own decks, I bought a few books, I started to read on this forum and other sites. I don't personally know anyone who reads tarot, but even if I did, I would never ask them to teach me everything. There are classes for that, and you have to pay for a reason.

I could ask them to meet every once in a while to practice/talk about tarot a bit - that could be enjoyable for both, I guess.
But asking for a few tips is a thing, asking fora crash course in tarot is another thing entirely.

(Why not point her to this forum? :D Or if you're feeling generous, you could buy her one or two books for beginners.)

Hugs :heart:



I don't understand why you feel you have "No Choice". Why not direct her to a few good beginning books and websites. If she's truly interested in learning they should be of interest to her, and she can get started on her own.
