Too many decks?

enchanted spirit

Well . . . I've unloaded quite a few decks that I just didn't click with. I don't feel guilty about keeping the decks I have nor do I feel bad about letting go of the decks that didn't do it for me. I'm very much a "love at first sight" girl - and if there's no spark, there just isn't. The thing I do feel guilty about is how little time I actually spend on/with my decks. But they are there, and maybe some day I'll retire and pay them the attention they deserve.


Well, my definition of "too many" has gone up and down the scales repeatedly over the last few years. At times I had over a hundred and it didn't feel like too many. Now I have (including the three that are supposedly on the way) ten decks and it feels like too many; five would feel more comfortable.

For me it's a matter of trying to be practical. I am trying very hard NOT to collect anymore. I want decks I will use, each of which offers something different enough that it doesn't feel like repeating, like I have clones or cookie-cutter decks. Do I feel guilty? Sometimes. Stupid, I know, but I do. I'm trying to simplify - the rest of my life is complex and cluttered enough!

ETA: I liked the "scorched earth" analogy. THAT is what my desire to cull down to five decks is about! By shaving the collection down to the bare bones, it is no longer a collection. Five working decks do not a collection make. And if it's not a collection, then I don't need to collect more! Or buy more!


There are soooo many decks I am absolutly lusting to get. I will get them as money or oppourtunity allows I feel bad that I can't use them all at once, what a reading that would be! LOL.
Some decks after I've gotten them have no energy for me so I "regift" them or sell them to make my collection not so overwhelming. I don't think you can have to much of something you truly love. I want a shelf or cabinet to display them when I'm not using them.