Touchstone ~ The 4 of Cups


Oh dear. Here I am looking at the 4 of cups. There ya'll are answering my
unvoiced questions.
Thank you.


I love this card for the attitude this guy has on his face. He is sooooo totally over it, man! Sometimes the four cups stumps me, in my Morgan Greer deck (the one I always read with), the four cups isn't very expressive of what the card is about.
In the Touchstone I really do feel like this card's meaning is very clear! And I love that. All of the meanings everyone has brought up are great, I don't have much to add! Just that I think all of them can be seen in this man's expression.


i see this one differently. he just looks used to things, this routine, and slightly indulgent of whomever he's looking at. i really get the impression he's going to take that cup that's being offered any second. also, sometimes i think he's about to laugh. lol it's just such a knowing look, like wry, cynical laughter is about to be shared.

probably just me, but i see it every time i look at this card.