

I came across this recently:

"The Moon is quintile Pluto, tredecile its North Node, trine Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune, triseptile Uranus, and quadranovile Venus."

The Moon trine Jupiter, Chiron,and Neptune has a nice feel. But what is all that other stuff, and does it matter?

What does it boil down to? Can someone translate it into a sentence instead of a list of aspects?

How long would that aspect last? A minute or two? What possible effect could it have?

I get a mental image of someone in plaid pants with a flowered shirt and a polka dot vest. It doesn't make any sense to me.


I agree with you BigLuna,

Thr writer of this has aspect diarrhea and I don't think took any time to actually think whether there was any meaning at all in this.

Assuming sensible orbs of 1 degree around these very minor aspects, it would be around 8 hours for from coming into aspect and leaving aspect, if ALL these aspects coincided exactly. Allowing for the more likely situation that some will come into aspect before the others and therefore leave aspect first, we are a couple of hours or so.

I view manufactured aspects (dividing 360 by any number you can think of) with great suspicion. I even treat Kepler's aspects with suspicion and they have a rather better pedigree.


Thanks, Minderwiz. I am very happy that I'm not alone in this. Love the term "aspect diarehea"!

I doubt the writer could make a sentence out of it, either. Astrologese is a major peeve of mine.


Now their may be a case for quintiles (though I'm highly sceptical) but aspects of three tenths (tridecile or tredecile) three sevenths (triseptile) and four ninths (quadravovile) are beyond my imagination.

Most of them seem to be used in an esoteric way. So I'm not sure that they are capable of being tested in any meaningful way.

Ah well it takes all sorts to make the world go round LOL