two of swords


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Hi Caridwen, I like your observations on this card. I don't know why I have always thought there was a pregnacy in the way the shift falls. I must admit although the swords are huge, this is the first time I have seen how big her hands are. Maybe those words a lighter than I first thought. I have never decided if she is just about to completly sit or about to rise. Maybe thats where I get the procrastination feeling from. I also put pins where her eyes are/should be as Fulgour said and was surprised. Even after years of looking there is always something new. Regards Rosanne


P.C.S. is an Aquarius

caridwen said:
ay?? You've lost me there Fulgour...
The King of Swords doth verily signifieth Aquarius.


Rosanne said:
Hi Caridwen, I like your observations on this card. I don't know why I have always thought there was a pregnacy in the way the shift falls. I must admit although the swords are huge, this is the first time I have seen how big her hands are. Maybe those words a lighter than I first thought. I have never decided if she is just about to completly sit or about to rise. Maybe thats where I get the procrastination feeling from. I also put pins where her eyes are/should be as Fulgour said and was surprised. Even after years of looking there is always something new. Regards Rosanne

I'm surprised as well because I had never seen the link between the size of the swords and the problem posed or exposed by the cards. The Nine of Swords has swords so long they disappear out of the picture.

Yes - not sure whether to rise or sit could signify procrastination, also sitting on the fence - half on half off. Not having made a decision and not wanting to either...

Fulgour - I'm still not with you here. Did you just remember the birthday and suggested the cake or are you suggesting the King of Swords is in fact Pamela.C.Smith? I like the idea that it's her. Very funny lol

Also, maybe we're supposed to be confused as to whether it's a man or a woman. Subconscious/conscious Thought/action Action through inaction etc Things are not what they seem in this card and closer inspection proves that. This person is putting on a show of perfect balance, poise etc but really it's all a conscious act. Hence the figure is a man. It's conscious. That's why their back is to the sea - they do not want to open to what their subconscious is telling them or they are acting against their intuition by not acting at all or caught between the two. The Swords also block out the potential of the subconscious/sea a protective barrier or fence. Hence purposefully blocking something out.


Also if you don't listen or refuse to listen to what your intuition is telling you - look what happens next - The Three of Swords!!

However, as well as the subconscious - water also represents emotions - so putting up a barrier between yourself and your emotions. Not allowing yourself to feel them or refusing to aknowledge them.

This person needs to put down the barrier of swords between their emotions/intuition and feel it. They need to turn and face it and stop this pretence. If not, the Three of Swords is right around the corner...


Two of Swords

Fulgour said:
Two of Swords

PS: The Moon shown is as a Waxing Crescent.

What might be the significance of this ? Also, it appears to be low tide, by the shallow waters lower left. Why? She crosses her arms over her heart. Does heavy, polarized thought weigh on her heart? Is she balanced or oppressed? Courageous in her taking opposed thoughts to heart? I find Waite's comments for this picture unhelpful.


Oddly enough I was meditating on the II Swords last night.

Sometimes Haiku captures the essence of a card at a particular moment. This moment may be different of course for each of us.

It was strange for me to see you discussing the Moon here. Last night, I was thinking that sometimes we have to stop everything - all conscious thought (the crossed swords) and simply look deep within. We seek what might arise from the unconscious, the unknown.

II Swords

I have had enough
leave me in this moment now.
Let me hear the moon.


Frank Hall said:
What might be the significance of this ? Also, it appears to be low tide, by the shallow waters lower left. Why? She crosses her arms over her heart. Does heavy, polarized thought weigh on her heart? Is she balanced or oppressed? Courageous in her taking opposed thoughts to heart? I find Waite's comments for this picture unhelpful.

The oppression is surely of her/his own making. Why can't they put down the swords? Take of the blindfold? Who put the blindfold on?

Also, the rocks we see could be exposing shallowness. The shallows. Superficiality. There is no depth. Or, the rocks are very large and it is very deep but gives the impression of shallowness. Things aren't want they seem relating this to The Moon. The Moon also has a waxing cresent.

The rocks could also be pointing out problems in the subconscious or relating to the subconscious.


caridwen said:
Yes, those swords are WAY to big and it would take enormous physical strength to keep them poised in that way.

The way the hands are crossed over the chest, they look like wings to me. Perhaps that is why she is able to keep the swords upright? It may also explain the hovering over the bench.


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caridwen said:
ay?? You've lost me there Fulgour...

I've just made a discovery!!!!!!!!!

Look at the swords in the hands of the King and Queen, also the Ace. You'll notice that they are relatively in proportion and normal sized.

Then look at the swords of the Two - HUGE - aren't they. Look at the Ten and the Eight - massive things.

Since the Swords deal with the mind - how about getting things totally out of proportion. Look at the Nine - again huge. The problems associated with these numbers are made bigger by confusion, mental ill health, physical ill health, lack of clarity and perspective. This is reflected in the size of the swords.

I'm sure it's not new but it's new to me nevertheless - let's bake ME a cake!;)

Also, the Two must be about inner versus outer appearance because the swords are totally out of proportion. It LOOKS like there is balance, but there can't be. The balance is only of surface value. Hence the staging and appearance of the card - it's all a SHOW. The blindfold is for effect. It serves no purpose because their mind is closed as are their eyes.

I've just re read my post - look at the exclamation marks - they look just like little swords....

I find it hard to believe that an artist so dedicated to her work as P.C.S. would put something on one of the cards which held no meaning or symbolism. The whole RWS deck is filled with symbolism from color, clothing, weather, landscape, placement of objects and so on and so forth. I feel like this card is about not facing an issue that the woman in the card is faced with. She is not allowing herself to "see" or deal with the problem. Do you notice that she is facing away from a calm scene behind her? I think it symbolizes that if she would only step out from the behind the swords and remove her mental "blindfold" that she would see that the problem is not as difficult as she once felt it to be.
Just an idea!!