Uncovering the truth about a person spread



I shall have to give this spread a try, a good friend of mine is going through a divorce now and we'd like to know exactly what the woman's intentions are going to be with the relationship they'll hold in the future (since they have a daughter together)

I'll keep you guys posted!

Sol :)


rcb30872 said:

This spread has been inspired by 2 other people, plus something in which I am having doubts about someone, as well. It has only got 7 cards:


Thanks Bec! I just did this for a friend in a bad relationship. She wanted to see what she might be missing. I will let you know her feedback.

Do you mind if I incorporate this reading into my repetoire for my paying clients?


Have tried it! WAS it accurate!!!

Great spread!

Thanks for sharing!

Helene Ibrahim


Can this spread work with Tao Oracle cards? Or only tarrots? Please PM me. Thanks! ^__^

Never mind!! I just realized this is a TAROT Spread..my bad ^^'