Understanding the Tarot Court Study Group #8


Ok, I know I've been neglectful, and I can only apologize and move on now. :)

Here we are at exercise #8. There is a WHOLE LOT of stuff between #7 and #8 in this book (and they aren't even numbered this way) but I can't retype the whole book, so go and buy it. ;)

Here is the next exercise that I've picked out and it's an easy one to get back into the study group with.

The Influentail Person Spread
Using only court cards, ask the question "Who was the most influential person in my childhood?"

Decide who the court card represents and why.

Now, draw another card from the rest of the deck for "what area has this person most influenced me in?"


R :)

Link to index: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?threadid=32366


A quick question

I was scanning through various topics on AT today and stumbled upon this study group. (I usually don't look in the Study Group section for some odd reason.)

Is it possible to jump into the middle of this? If so, how would you recommend I start (ie: resurrect the old threads from the first 7 questions?) I do have the Understanding the Tarot Court by Mary K. Greer (from the Special Topics in Tarot series). It's been sitting there waiting for me to deleve into it and discussing the exercises with others sounds like a wonderful way to explore the Court Cards.


Feel free to join in wherever you'd like! :) You can resurrect if you want to. Or jump in now. Go at your own pace. I'm just happy to see someone is still interested!


Ok, I did this and got the Knight of Pentacles. I have decided that this card is my father when I was a child. I tend to think of him as the King of Pents now, though. I have attached an image of the card from the Gilded Tarot.

I feel that is represents my father because my dad is a Taurus. My dad was also in the military and the bearing of the figure in the card, as well as the colors, the fact that he's a Knight with a lance & shield, etc. reminds me of that.

As to "what area did he most influence you" I got the Star. When I was younger I was very cynical. I always expected the worst and I was sort of depressing to be around. My father said "nobody likes to be around somebody who has that kind of attitude". I think that made me take another look. It took a long time for my attitude to change, but I always remember him saying that to me when I become to cynical and pessimistic. I may still be cynical alot of the time, but (I know this sounds weird) I'm optimistic about it. Now I expect the worst, but hope for the best, whereas before I would just expect the worst and not hope at all.


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