Vanessa Study Group - Knight of Swords

Keavy McGee

The image is of our heroine riding a motorcycle, in stiletto boots and a purple helmet with a sword etched into the side.





Pink fluffy pillow for her derrière?

Check. :D

It’s night and the moon is full. Two floodlamps light the path in front of and behind her. She rides from left to right and appears to be crossing a bridge as there is a railing to her left.

I see the speed of thought, she’s leaning into this ride, her head is thrust forward over the handles of the bike and the way she sits is aggressive, not docile. She’s not out for a joy ride, she’s going for a thrill and also has a purpose. Notice the determined set of her jaw and the way her eyes are focused fully forward, almost as if she doesn’t remember how to blink.

Interesting, though, that the colors are all lilac and blue-grey, not black leather, which would make this card much more fierce and masculine, I think.

In a reading, I’d want to know what thoughts are racing in the Querent’s head? What do they need to shine more light on? What ideas or thought processes are being connected or bridged, because one way I might read this card using the directional clues is that she is racing from the past to the future, with little time in the present, since she’s speeding through it as fast as she can.

So for me, this is a card of motion, of passage, not of standing still. She’s going somewhere, fast. And when she gets there, will she feel that she arrived at where she wanted to go? She got there quickly, but was it the right decision to go there in the first place?

I just have a feeling that she is fleeing something in her past and that is why it also needs a little more light to be shone there, as well as up ahead.

Fun! :D



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This weekend is 'Thunder on the River' which means lots of motorcycles in town~ lots of noise and fun! Now, I've seen ladies sitting behind their man on the bike, and ladies riding their own bikes. There have been many ladies with bandanas and a few with their hair flying in the wind~ not one with a helmet like this gal.

This gal is on a crotch rocket which means Speeeeed~ She has her brains and body protected, and she means business once she gets going. If you are her competitor in a business deal- watch out! Once she has her mind made up, there is no stopping her.

I wonder, will she feel depressed once the ride is over? Is she only set for Go and Fast?


This is the card that literally jumped out of the deck when I first joined the chat disco for our study group this morning. She was ready to go. Full steam ahead. I see her as completely going for it but she did take the time to put on a helmet. So this shows some semblance of trying to take care. But once that's taken care of.........give it the gas baby!!!!

I like that there's no black leather. The bike is actually kind of a pink color and the purple helmet. She is definitely still a girl, but a wild one!!!

I hadn't noticed the full moon though Keavy. Thanks for pointing that out. It does add another aspect to this card. She's heading into the light of the full moon.


tarot4fun said:
I wonder, will she feel depressed once the ride is over? Is she only set for Go and Fast?
I think she will be very depressed if something should keep her from fast action.. She is a grown tomboy and maybe a bit one-sided? It might do her good to break a leg and be forced to spend a month in the Magician´s kitchen, baking, painting her fingernails and listening to the Magician Lady´s female wisdom. The Magician would understand this Knight and she would know that the Knight is running/speeding away from something (painful childhood memories?). So then they´d spend the month just baking and talking, reading and watching old classics on tv. (I could go on and on here :))


Singleminded focus on her ride on the bike. Love it.