Video on how to trim tarot cards


It's a lot easier if you cut the top and bottom off first. Then you don't have to make a really long smooth cut on the sides.


The guy is a member here, but I haven't seen him post in a good while. I believe he goes by akirafist here.


Oh, and he did do some readings for me and some other members here that he should have posted earlier on that YouTube page... he started doing them like that in the Exchange forums (through video), but was forced to type up his readings in the threads, so he quit doing them.


Lela said:
LOL!! D'oh! Don't know why I connected the two together, but you are very right, they are definitely two different people. Oh gees, I must've had too many tabs open on my browser when I originally posted and somehow confused the two. :D

Haha! I do stuff like that all the time. :)

(I also have a mega number of browser tabs open all the time. lol)

irmata said:
Like a ninja star ;)



AJ said:
Because the cards literally cut his hands when shuffling.

Must explain that I don't have sound on my computer, so I just watched it. Still seems a horrible thing to do to an innocent deck.