
velvet moon

Recently distancing herself ('slowing down' in her words) from a potential romance the querent asked how 'G' felt about her when and after seeing and briefly talking to her recently.

Five of wands. Queen of cups. The Tower.

Ok so inner conflict? Five of wands as feelingd is about that head vs heart conundrum. QofC and the Tower demonstrate that again? Warm temder feelings but confusion dissaray and possibly turmoil? Perhaps he felt warm and fuzzy in her presence but like he was stumbling on his words or feeling flustered? Five of wands could mean he was holding back on wanting to say something more. On the other hand he could just be confused by her behaviour and simply feeling some subconscious tenderness but mostly just thinking his friend is being weird.


I'd say she's turned him upside down and inside out emotionally (QoC + Tower) and he doesn't know how what to do (5/Wands). Turmoil is a good word.

velvet moon

I'd say she's turned him upside down and inside out emotionally (QoC + Tower) and he doesn't know how what to do (5/Wands). Turmoil is a good word.

Thanks! I like the simplicity. QoC obv is emotions feelings and the tower shows they've (emotions) been shook up. 5 of wands is an action card so showing he doesn't know what action to take or is in conflict over it. Does this really show how he feels about me though?


I can't say HOW as I don't see neither negative cards (Devil, 3/Swords) nor positive cards (2/Cups, 6/Cups etc). But there was definitely a shake up and he did indeed feel something.

And with men not being overly emotional - he's more about "what i'm going to do about it?" thus 5 of wands.

velvet moon

I can't say HOW as I don't see neither negative cards (Devil, 3/Swords) nor positive cards (2/Cups, 6/Cups etc). But there was definitely a shake up and he did indeed feel something.

And with men not being overly emotional - he's more about "what i'm going to do about it?" thus 5 of wands.

Yeah good points. :) I did get two of cups the lovers and queen of wands for how he perceived me. Another thread though, I s'pose.


Okay! To me it's all heat! Lots of attraction...comsuming sexual attraction...I do see an existence of an 'Other' More than love the card combination suggests hard to contain attraction 5 of Wands- Tower-QOC to me is a third person's existence,
Hope that helps.

Love n light

velvet moon

Okay! To me it's all heat! Lots of attraction...comsuming sexual attraction...I do see an existence of an 'Other' More than love the card combination suggests hard to contain attraction 5 of Wands- Tower-QOC to me is a third person's existence,
Hope that helps.

Love n light

I just showed the querent what you said and she said, and I quote 'That's what my gut tells me, too'