

I didn't read all the responses, so forgive me if this has been said...

The problem (for me) in selecting a significator to use when throwing spreads is that the card chosen is then "unavailable" to show up in the spread. If your main problem is signified by the card you choose, it cannot possibly fall into any position where it might most fit for the problem(s) you are reading about.

That's why some people use a second deck to choose their significator--so as to be able to use a complete deck from which to be able to draw their spreads. Others, like me, never use significators at all.


I would just hold the 5 of Cups in mind and throw a spread down.


i really like the idea of using a 2nd deck for the significator(s).


I have an idea. What about choosing some cards (either laying out your deck, or using a website page that displays all the cards as reference to help, or just from memory depending on how well you know the deck) - to represent where you are now, and where you want to be.

Maybe a card representing 'out in the world', on representing 'friends' one 'family' one 'colleagues' and perhaps 'hobbies'. Something like that. The three of cups comes to mind. Perhaps choose some where you're working or being alone and comfortable with that, and some where you're finding the human interaction you need. Then try drawing some cards to place between the now-you and the then-you. I can see a sort of fan-shaped spread.

Or perhaps, a supporting structure. A sort of Eiffel tower of cards. You are at the top, next a couple of people or situations closest to you, then a layer closer to the ground - the close ones you experience often; the further ones are the various times you're out in the world and people who you interact with more loosely.