Wands - questions


Yo folks..

I know some of you have wands, and doing a quick search in the Spirituality forum shows some beautiful wands! I have never been drawn to using a wand and its only the past couple of days Ive had the idea of making a wand and its unshakeable from my head! But I wonder about why and what i'd use it for?

In my magical/spiritual practice I've never felt drawn to a wand, I have an athame and that has been good enough for most of the work that I do.

Why do some wands have crystal tips on? Is there a special significance? If a wand, a piece of tree is a sacred power thing, why do you need a crystal tip on it?
Or all the dangly bits and pieces that some wands have?

Is there a tree that you WOULDNT make a wand out of? Why?

Hoping for some interesting answers!


Milfoil said:
Its not something I have ever been drawn to either but this is a bit of fun:

That quiz has so many choices!

LOL This is me! :D

Your wand is made from the wood of a maple tree!

Maple individuals are far from ordinary and never completely satisfied with standard replies. They admire those who clearly assert themselves and rise eagerly to any challenge. Maple people are full of imagination and originality, inclined to stand out in a crowd due to their willpower and sense of committment. Though appearing shy and somewhat reserved, they are truly ambitious, proud and self-confident. Maples hunger for new experiences and have a desire to impress. They enjoy what is unknown, strange and even hostile. The inherent Maple need for independence often clashes with the need to be surrounded by a community. With a tendency to be nervous, Maple people have many complexities. They possess excellent memories and easily learn new things. The love relationships of Maple individuals tend to be complicated affairs.

It looks like they mushed a bunch of my answers into this and said this was what I am :laugh:


inanna_tarot said:
Yo folks..

I know some of you have wands, and doing a quick search in the Spirituality forum shows some beautiful wands! I have never been drawn to using a wand and its only the past couple of days Ive had the idea of making a wand and its unshakeable from my head! But I wonder about why and what i'd use it for?

In my magical/spiritual practice I've never felt drawn to a wand, I have an athame and that has been good enough for most of the work that I do.

Why do some wands have crystal tips on? Is there a special significance? If a wand, a piece of tree is a sacred power thing, why do you need a crystal tip on it?
Or all the dangly bits and pieces that some wands have?

Is there a tree that you WOULDNT make a wand out of? Why?

Hoping for some interesting answers!

Umm, I can answer some of your questions. The crystal tips are used for help in focusing energy, all the dangly bits(lol) are just 'decorations' for the most part. Some items-like feathers- may be from specific traditions. You can inscribe symbols or words that are significant to you.

I have a birch branch that beckoned me from its perching place on a sandy beach. I took it home with the intentions of creating a wand, but found that I really had no need for one. And that after cleaning it up a bit, that I preferred it in its natural state, so left it alone. It rests on my shrine shelf.

That's about all I can help you with...


thanks Leigh :D

I think I'll just strip the bark (when I get the time!) and maybe burn a symbol or two on it.. but it'll happen when its meant to. I have a piece of Blackthorn that I found when I came across my Staff many moons ago and I always think of the woods as 'sisters' so it seems natural to want to make a wand out of it.

Although I have heard traditionally some people disprove of Blackthorn as some see its use is only for black magic (which id never do!)


Milfoils link.
Not much to add here except that quizz to obtain the Celtic approved wood turns out to be the Rowan Tree.
Interesting character discription.


I have a hazel wand that someone made for me. It has a tiny bit of amethyst that was found on a Cornish beach at it's tip (I'm very particular that crystals should be found or ethically mined) and I've always thought that that was there to direct energy. The handle end of my wand has a natural spiral in the wood from where honeysuckle grew around the hazel tree. It's really gorgeous.
I'm not really into magical tools that much, preferring my finger for directing energy but on the rare occasions that I cast a circle I use my wand to draw pentagrams at the quarters and to actually trace the circle.
It's comfy and feels good in the hand.

Mine was made by this guy: http://www.wandsofavalon.com/index.html
He's ever so helpful and he really knows his trees and their magical properties.