What are you reading now?


I just finished Dion Fortune's "Winged Bull." The villan in the story is based on Crowley and it's pretty evident DF didn't have much respect for him or his magick.

Just started reading DF's "Cosmic Doctrine." You might guess I'm a DF fan.

Am slowly wading through Wang's "Qabalistic Tarot" which is great. I find I'm fitting my readings more and more to the structure of the Qabala, particularly in terms of the paths connecting the sephiroth and the placement of the small cards on the ToL.

I received Isreal Regardie's "The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic" last week. That is an intimidating book. It must weigh a good 5 pounds.


wizzle is wang's book hard to read?
I am trying to find a book on quabala and astrology as well as any other sources tht make up the tarot just to get a better understanding of the spirtual forces that surrond me.


wizzle said:
I just finished Dion Fortune's "Winged Bull." The villan in the story is based on Crowley and it's pretty evident DF didn't have much respect for him or his magick.

Just started reading DF's "Cosmic Doctrine." You might guess I'm a DF fan.

I have at home her Sea Priestess, Moon Magic and Psychic Selfdefence, but haven't read them yet. I guess I will put them to the top of my 'to be read' pile o'books :)


I am just now starting "Idiots Guide to Creative Visualization". (don't laugh! ;) ). Seems like a great book!

Also recently purchased "Tarot Plain and Simple".


coyoteblack said:
wizzle is wang's book hard to read?
I am trying to find a book on quabala and astrology as well as any other sources tht make up the tarot just to get a better understanding of the spirtual forces that surrond me.

Wang isn't hard to read but it is probably not the best book to read as an introduction to qabala. Lon Duquette's Chicken Qabala is great, funny and packed with more information than you realize. Perfect as a first book.

I love Dion Fortune's "The Mystical Qabala" but that is dense if you don't know magick and/or astrology. Isreal Regardie's "Garden of Pomegranats" is a classic and has a very nice section from the Cicero's (who edited the book and are GD members) which provides exercises for further development.

As an introduction to astrology, I recommend Steven Forrest's "The Inner Sky" and Robert Hands "Horoscope Symbols." Do NOT get an idiot book on sun signs.


I recently got Tarot Constellations by Mary K. Greer (thanks ebay) and I love it!!!


i started reading the complete tarot reader by teresa michelsen I think it is the perfect second book. it goes over the unerlying mening of the cards as well as tring to develop the intuitive approach to the cards reggrdless of decks used.

and thanks wiz i will look fo those books.


I am reading Edain McCoy's Past Life and Karmic Tarot, which is part of a series called Special Topics in Tarot. It's a great book and I'm looking forward to checking out the other books in the series.


I am reading froud's faeries oracle book that accompanied the deck. Its a lovely book and gives a good insight into the faery realm... :)


I'm reading Tarot for All Seasons by Christine Jette, which is about spreads for pagan sabbats and moon rituals. Planning to give the Yule spread a go next week.