What deck is the original deck of Tarot de Marseilles ?

Sebastien Michel

le pendu said:
So it's the Grimaud that he might have used for the basis of the cards rather than the Conver?

As I said before, the Dodal was one of the old TDM most often use by Kris Hadar in his restoration because of the minors but it's sure that he use a "canevas" and it was the Grimaud because that is the model that we use today...

His way of doing this was simple. He took the Grimaud and made research for finding wath is correct and incorrect. Oftenly, he corrected with the Dodal.

When he find something bizarre (like an egg ;-) ) on an old TDM, he made research for finding some proof to add this detail... If he doesn't find anything, he do not touch the picture.



Hello Sebastian ...
I have some doubts /Could you help me ?
It s relates to this.

Originally Posted by le pendu
An instance of this where I liked the Hadar is that he shows the Fool's "bottom" as exposed, and the "leggings" falling off, unlike the source decks (except the Noblet). I wish he had taken it further and showed the genitalia as well, but perhaps he felt that was going too far, or incorrect.. I don't know.

I laugh when I read your text because Kris said once that he thinks that the Noblet where right when showing the genitalia but he did'nt find any other proof and most of all he said that he was shy to draw the penis et testicules !!
Must I understand that Mr Hadar believe that Noblet had any proof or Hadar himself ?
Must I understand Mr Hadar was so shy to draw the penis and testicules ?
In that case you mentioned Mr Hadar didn t add absolutly anything iconography detail which wasn t in the original.
If as Mr Hadar said Noblet was correct why he didn t ?
You talked about restoration and I know what you mean...
If in the year of 2300 someone want to understand Cubism you think that he must make a restoration Image-Idea crossing image details between Picasso and Braque ?
As a result if that man don t find a casual detail element on a casual found Masterwork overlaped then must he concludes that one of such work don t could be name as Cubist ?
I say you as I expect you know ...
Picasso is Picasso and Braque is Braque,
Noblet and Dodal also are themselves.
Both have their own iconographic images differents details and both are TdM Style as those mentioned above.

Bonjour ...