What Deck Was Your First Deck?


My very first deck way back when was a Rider/Waite...
I still use it but I have strayed to other decks and other decks (smiles) and other decks...its sort of a treasure hunt...

Did anyone start with something different (then the Rider/Waite)?
Looking back knowing what you know now would you have started with a different Tarot deck or Oracle?


Hi ofbainbridge :D... Well my first deck was a the "sola busca" deck... I wanted to start with a "especial" or "different" tarot deck, I just don't like to have the waite raider because almost all the people who start in tarot use that deck... Well, the sola busca is one of the most hardest deck to read, so I must acept that I will not be able to read with it (in the present, I can use it, I must investigate a lot before understand the spreads with that deck). My second deck was the Arthurian (i found it in a antiques store), nice deck, but hard to read too... finally, I buy the Laberynth's tarot... And that was my truly first deck, with it I learn to read tarot spreads, and a like it a lot (a like my others two decks a lot too... I use one my 4 decks in my readings). Soon i will have to buy another copy of the laberynths tarot, like a backup, if someday my deck is too old to use it, and I can't find it in the stores, I will miss it too much :'(




My first deck was the elemental tarot...which I liked but it didn't 'resonate' with me in exactly the right way...my favourite thing about that deck was the poem that was printed line by line on each of the majors cards. (Something like, "Divine Thunder, Perfect Mind", although that's not it exactly, it's worth checking out if you can find it!)

The first deck I truly connected with was the Victoria Regina...and it was only after that that I bought the Rider-Waite, which I find most useful for the straight-up kind of question. Rider-Waite doesn't muck around, haha :D

I think we are always drawn to a certain deck to learn something, even if it seems like that deck is not for us!

6 Haunted Days

Well my 1st was the RWS, and I am sure if there had been more available in the crappy town I lived in (1986~Midwest) I would have been drawn towards the Morgan-Greer, Hanson-Roberts or Arcus Arcanum (but the full deck wasn't until '89). So my choices or lack thereof of what deck to get was forced on me by no stores carrying much (only RWS) and being 14, couldn't drive to another city to look about.


Mine was the Rider waite as well.



When I was first searching for a Tarot deck a number of years ago, I looked extensively at what was available at that time based on reviews. Rider-Waite just didn't jive with me, but after I saw some pictures of the Morgan-Greer I knew I found the right one. It had better drawn pictures that I could relate to. It still remains my favorite deck.

Times have changed since then, though, and now I look forward to the Radiant Rider-Waite deck. It and Morgan-Greer will likely become my two most favorite decks.


My first was the Aquarian. If memory serves, the bookstore I went to (in the mall, when I was about 16 years old) had only three to choose from - the Thoth, the RWS, and the Aquarian. I chose the latter because I loved the art.


RWS, purchased in the mid-70s. Prior to that I had the U.S. Games "Gypsy Witch Deck." Those were my only decks until I got a Robin Wood and Medicine Woman in the early 90s.


Shining Woman Tarot, purchased ?1996? when I was about 15-16. Loved it to bits. Still have it, but it's stored with a whole lot of other stuff a very long way away and I plan on getting it this summer! Yay!

\m/ Kat