What do you consider the 'friendliest' Tarot deck?


Other people have suggested these before, but I agree: Crystal Visions, Hanson Roberts, Shadowscapes, Llewellyn. I also find the Waking the Wild Spirit deck very cheerful, but alas, it's OOP and hard to get now.


I find the Joie de Vivre extremely friendly.
The Hello Kitty by Brittany Tingey.
The Nusantara also gives a positive spin to even the scary cards.

I see a bit of an animated/cartoony theme here. Interesting...


Well, the Tyldwick and the Mary-El, of course.

Just kidding! :bugeyed:

Probably Anna K, Dreaming Way and Stella's --in that order. Although that's a hard question, because my go-to deck is Kat Black's Golden --perhaps less friendly, but much more intuitive for me.

Daemon Lover

I find the the Halloween Tarot very friendly. The ghosts are too cute!


Oh, and of the Marseilles decks, the Hadar. Don't know why.


I would say the Gaian Tarot and the Robin Wood.

Neither of these decks appealed to me very much when I first looked at them. The Robin Wood sat untouched for quite a while and I nearly sold it. The Gaian I decided to try out the Fool's Dog app on a whim.

Since then they have both won me over completely. I love them and I would definitely describe them as friendly.



Tarot De Marseille


Royal Moroccan Fez

BBC Cats



...BBCats...yes, I can sign.


Either TdM or

The new Silhoettes deck or the new Zirkus of the Magii

Love them both, so accessible and intuitive