What else does the King Of Wands mean?


I have been stalked by this card for a good six months and cannot get a straight answer as to what it means to my life. There are no people in my life it can apply to. I thought it was about my ex but it's occurring in daily reads that have nothing to with my LL and keeps occurring in reads about my now (old) work, so I thought it could possibly be my employer. But now that I've quit the card still keeps turning up in my daily reads. I have no idea what the hell this card could mean. I draw another card to ask what aspect of my life does it relate to and get three of pentacles which is about a job I no longer have. It turns up in both love readings (I'm single and have not dated anyone in 5yrs) and also in work related readings. It often occurs in the position of things I need to leave behind. But there is just nothing left in my life to leave behind now.

It's also often clarified with seven of swords, the card of futility. Yes I do feel my job is an exercise in futility and I do feel like my love life is a wasteland best forgotten about. Both totally futile situations.

As a general concept in life I have no idea. I have adrenal burnout if that helps but am otherwise very healthy. It's not about my sex drive, I have none. I absolutely hate the fire suit I have to say. It's just full of very difficult situations that I abhor. None of that energy is stable and it seems to be useless to life as well. If it helps I'm a water sign. I don't have any creative projects on the go right now, I'm just trying to catch up on sleep for the next few months and find some stability in my life.

So my guesses, which have now proven to be false are...ex bf. No, it's not about him as far as I can tell. My employer, no it's not about that either.


Maybe it's someone that you need to be, but that's being defeated by your sense of futility. 7 swords - you're deceiving yourself. Just an idea.


I agree with yannie. Seems to me to be something you should strive to be/do right now.

And I always saw wands as air and swords as fire. Perhaps your preconceived views are making the message difficult to get through, thus why it's always coming up...?


King of Wands can mean "Yang of Yang," a double-dose of outward energy, taking initiative toward specific goals, i.e., agency, being effective, advancing a cause.

Stalking cards are sometimes about what we overlook, what we're (understandably) not seeing. It's that moment just before the pendulum reverses direction. So putting that all together, perhaps King of Wands says, "You're about to assert your own power in some aspect of your life."


Just wanted to chime in that the King of Wands is a Scorpio/Sag according to the Golden Dawn and a Pisces/Aries according to the Builders of the Adytum. So they do attribute water signs to this King. He's not all fire.

He's also brings wisdom. Chokmah is where he rests on the Tree of Life and this is where Wisdom resides. This takes the emptiness of the first sepiroth and creates something from the nothingness. This means that the King of Fire can be bored easily and restless, looking for fulfillment out of the nothingness. He/she has the wisdom, but needs to power of fire to motivate them.

I can easily see boredom and restlessness, job jumping too.

I use to get the Emperor card a lot in my daily readings. Of course, I would immediately look for old wise men around me....but couldn't find any. lol. Then I realized the card kept coming up as a message that I needed structure. The card was screaming a message at me. And it was really a message that no one but me and my subconscious was going to figure out.

That's the thing about chokmah is that it asks you to use your own knowledge and wisdom to change the restlessness of your life, so that you can build the structure. You have the first tool: fire. I bet if you look deep inside yourself you can find your own personal fire and your own "personal legend" (Paulo Coelho).


7 of Swords is Moon in Aquarius. It can be asking you to use your cunning, smarts to get yourself out of a situation you don't want to be in. If I needed a cunning king, I would pick the King of Wands.

Michael Sternbach

The 7 of Swords shows that you have stalemated yourself by negative thinking. You need the uncompromising decisiveness and energy of the Knight of Wands to get out of there and change your life for the better.


Maybe it's someone that you need to be, but that's being defeated by your sense of futility. 7 swords - you're deceiving yourself. Just an idea.

I don't doubt there is some measure of self deception going on in my life. I'm in the middle of a very confusing situation right now and just about nothing is making sense. Not sure I really need to be a King Of Wands exactly, I mean aside from charming people what exactly does he do?


I agree with yannie. Seems to me to be something you should strive to be/do right now.

And I always saw wands as air and swords as fire. Perhaps your preconceived views are making the message difficult to get through, thus why it's always coming up...?

Well yes of course, I think that my set interpretation is interfering because it doesn't make much sense. Don't think air is the right one for me though, I have a tendency for over thinking and living too much in my head as it is. It's been a real cause for strife in my life.


So putting that all together, perhaps King of Wands says, "You're about to assert your own power in some aspect of your life."

Well I certainly did that recently by telling my boss where he could shove is job...Lol!