what is needed for healing, and what purpose you serve


what is needed for healing is the readiness of both participants for the healing process to begin.

the recipent should he or she not be ready for the transfer of love, healing energy, will block any attempts to heal him with his mind.
the healer will notice that when the healer goes to send energy the energy isnt flowing as well as it could.
this in turn makes the healer doubt him or herself.. the questions begin.. perhaps i need to open my heart more, or need more training.

when the healer isn't ready.. his or her own mind will block the transfer before it even begins,,
the heat in the hands will be dull, the wonders of the sensation will be coming in waves instead of consistency.
there will be some healing transfered but not like it is when the healer is cleared.
and so the healer may go out on a path to clear their body, their connection to their deeper soul.
when in truth the healer simply needs to let go of doubt,, let go of fear, of guilts that may come up from the path and trust like a child.
the love you have is enough,, and it will grow as you share.

this is why it is easier for a healer to let themselves out of the process by focusing on colour, or light,, or reiki symbols then on focusing on love for invariably the ego tries to interfer,,
"you are not loving enough to send love,, you are not worthy enough to send love "
and then doubt begins again.

we are emissaries of light to our brothers and sister.
our purpose is to serve as a bridge for the universal intelligence, the universal love that otherwise would not able to reach the recipent.
it is much like channeling where the channel steps down the universal wisdom for the person seeking it.

in an ideal situation the universal love would go forth to every person and heal them all whole for they would all be ready for the healing ..
alas as it is,, the ideal situation isn't possible.
and so those who are ready to share the healing love with their brother will serve ..
and as they share that love with their brother ,, the recieve it as well.


HOLMES said:
we are emissaries of light to our brothers and sister.
our purpose is to serve as a bridge for the universal intelligence, the universal love that otherwise would not able to reach the recipent.
it is much like channeling where the channel steps down the universal wisdom for the person seeking it.

in an ideal situation the universal love would go forth to every person and heal them all whole for they would all be ready for the healing ..
alas as it is,, the ideal situation isn't possible.
and so those who are ready to share the healing love with their brother will serve ..
and as they share that love with their brother ,, the recieve it as well.

Welcome back Holmes, where have you been ?
It is so nice to feel your kind energy around :)

Holmes I wish I could just shed this human shell and human mind and just be able to maintain a vibration of love at all times....but at least doing healing work on myself daily and trying to be aware of my own traps and failings will keep me focused on the goal and what matters, I hope...

yes, we are all emissaries for Divine Love,can you imagine a world were all of us just would see that as natural as drinking water?

I will come back when I am more rested, but I wanted to stop by and say hi




Good to see you again.

Funny, I was just thinking about this, this morning and Mathew 18:20 came to mind. "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." A confirmation of divine energy when people come together moreso than when we are alone.

Perhaps it is necessary to make the connection?


i was thinking about that

"in my name"

i was thinking that it doens't even have to be in his name,,

just whereever people gather where they want comfort, to share love in their pain ,,
the universal intelligence, universal wisdom, the universal love is there.

consider reiki..
we are channeling the universal love through us,, and where does that love come from ?
it comes from jesus for a christian for example..
it comes from the ascended masters,, the angels, which transfer from the ultimate source of love.

and those who channel healing with the guides,, the angels,, and picture colour coming from their crown centers through their body into their client.

one thing that happens though is the psychic healer..
one who uses their own energy to heal others;..
pretty soon they do not have any more energy to give,, but they keep on giving healings..
and they end up over time depleting their aura.

the wounded healer is the healer who is wounded,, and focuses on healing others,, and their wounds don't heal.
in my own view,, it is because the wounded healer is using their own energies,, and more then that,, believe they must suffer for others to heal..
a sort of taking on the sins of others if you will.

so healing happens when two are together and they geniunely want to heal , and help each other,, then the source is there to help them.

the source is everywhere,, but remains un activated , invisible til it is asked of the source for its aid..

that is the power of free will and free choice,, and the conquences of it


HOLMES said:

the wounded healer is the healer who is wounded,, and focuses on healing others,, and their wounds don't heal.
in my own view,, it is because the wounded healer is using their own energies,, and more then that,, believe they must suffer for others to heal..
a sort of taking on the sins of others if you will.

so healing happens when two are together and they geniunely want to heal , and help each other,, then the source is there to help them.

I have gone through this and I have found that what works best is to take yourself out of yourself to another healer and let them facilitate the healing process that you need to do. This is a way of letting go (even though you may know how to heal yourself and even be effective a little bit in healing yourself) and letting the healing happen. Once I did this I found everything, including money/business flowed more easily in my life (though that is not the reason you do it). When a healer is stuck in their own stuff, spirit doesn't flow through them as well. But once the 'obstacle' (can be an issue or issues) is removed then they can go back to healing others-their gift returns 100 fold.


Absolutely. Heal yourself and thereby heal the world. Gandhi said something similar along the lines of "be the change you want to see in the world".

When we find the way to heal ourselves we see it manifesting all around us as you say Celeste.

Often it is the wound which shows the path to healing.


I think the best way of healing ourselves is to forget ourselves and try to heal others, in whatever way we can do it.