What is your tarot Muse?


What is it that creates the spark that has you reaching for your favorite (or nearest) tarot deck? (besides the obvious request for a reading....)

Is it the same thing that prompts you to offer readings in the forum?


If anything happens that i don't understand like someones behaviour or actions towards me, i will read as thats what i find I'm best at reading.


My Muse

My muse is a friend of mine. When she gets all fired up about reading I get that way too! (And visa versa.)

I usually reserve my readings for problems... medidations... and requests.


For me it when I read something in the History or Marseilles forums that I haven't noticed in the cards before. I grab my marseilles decks and start looking and comparing them all... then I wonder why I hadn't noticed it myself, it's so obvious! Then I might go Googling or checking sites in my bookmarks and before I know it I end up with cards all over the bed and time has moved on without me realising until the family start to ask where the tea is.



This forum is my muse!

This rich sharing and wonderful mixing of personalities and enthusiasm and different viewpoints and different decks and many layers and levels of experiences.

This place inspires me like nothing else.


Chronata said:
This forum is my muse!

This rich sharing and wonderful mixing of personalities and enthusiasm and different viewpoints and different decks and many layers and levels of experiences.

This place inspires me like nothing else.

Ditto, I can't put it better than this. Since I'm reading this forum, I practically have this itching in my fingers to take the cards, shuffle them, do a spread, do a reading, search for answers on the forum, etc, etc. As strange as it is, I am on several different forums for different hobbies (on some for many years) but this is the only forum where I actually spent 25$ to register...It was an 'impulse shopping', but well worth it :)


I'm my own muse, i'm allways playing with my tarot, when i listen a film, when i'm on the computer, before and after sleep, in taking a coffe etc...
every times i'm free of the need to deeply concentrate i play with a tarot, so i'm my own muse !!!



I read for myself every now and then. When I have an issue, or want to do a big general reading.
For here on the forum its usually because I have played with them for a while and they need to used. They call from the box let us out! lol. The Faeries are the worst for wanting to be read with, or else the fae find some mischief to keep themselves occupied.



It's when I have let some little something really get to me, or my day doesn't go like I was just sure it should, or when I start the day off by dropping anything I touch. . .

I get my cards and find out what very obvious thing I'm overlooking. . .


Places and travel are my muse for Tarot. I rarely read for myself, but I find that being in a beautiful place makes me want to sit down in the grass or by the monument/sacred site I'm visiting and get out my deck, and see what the place has to say to me... My last visit to Stonehenge (private access too!) had me standing in the middle of the stone circle frantically scribbling - as much as my frozen hands were able - a spread that Stonehenge inspired me to create and use there and then. Nearly all sacred sites I visit do this to me, and I have a rapidly growing collection of spiritually-focussed Tarot spreads inspired by my travels. :D
