What now? Have I reached 'capacity?' Tarot OD?!


Thoth isn't so complicated really, I just think it has a lot of layers and that you don't have to understand them all at once. You can start very simply.

The best way I have found of familiarizing myself with a deck and understanding it is to draw a card a day, every day, in the morning, and then before you go to bed, think about how that card related to your day. Sometimes it is blindingly obvious, othertimes it is not and you really have to think about it, sometimes the card refers to one little moment of the day, or something somone said to you, or something you saw. But the more you do this, the more you will start to pull cards and think "oh, its this card again - the one that I drew when such-and-such happened, I get what this might be refering too".

Of course, you have to have a balance with what the card actually means; so it can be a good idea to read up in the book of Thoth what Alister Crowley had to say about each card alongside looking at how it related to your day.

If you get time to keep a journal of all this, that's ideal. I don't ever have time for writting it down, but I don't beat myself up about it - you do what you can do .


Maybe read more for others - put what you've studied into gear:)