What qualities would you assign your sunsign?


Re: 6 EARTH PLANETS and a rising

lunalafey said:
sun, moon and mercury are in cap. rising, jupiter, uranus and pluto are all in virgo. I have prefected procrastination. My bills are paid.... WAY ahead of time. (HEHE) I love a clean house, but sometimes it explodes and stays that way for a while, but when I clean it, I get into everything and put it just so. I love efficiency. I am artistic and good with money. I have a seriouse appearance about me sometimes that sometimes gets misunderstood.
My knees sometimes bother me!
Okay, now this where astrology really confuses me. The above paragraph describes me perfectly. But I am an Aries with Leo rising. Moon in cap, but thats the only thing in cap.



MEATBOX: what is it you see for my knees to ache?
Marion: there are traits that signs do share that are quite simular. Aries-practicality, Virgo-efficiency Capricorn-practicality and organization. Looking at the overall picture it would appear to be the same, but I feel that even if the 'outcome' is the same, the fuel that powers it is different. One word, even simular, changed in a sentence, can give the sentence a whole different meaning/feel.
One must also remember that using just the sun or just the rising to peg a personallity is not the way, there are the other planets, aspects and houses to figure into the equasion. NON- cappy knees bothersome?, perhaps Saturn is in Capricorn, 12th house. Mars is the planet of thought and action and Jupiter is efficiancy, having these planets placed in signs that are practical such as Taurus may infuence this.
OH btw marion wanna start a club for the Professional Procrastinating Perfectionists?....:)



lunalafey said:
OH btw marion wanna start a club for the Professional Procrastinating Perfectionists?....:)
How would we ever get it started? hehe


All of that capricorn energy.

Capricorn rules the skin, teeth, bones especially the knees,
Thats all , thats all that all I was saying. Nothing else. That is why I say your knees hurt.


Cap Sun/Aqu Moon/Taurus Rising

lunalafey said:
I love a clean house, but sometimes it explodes and stays that way for a while, but when I clean it, I get into everything and put it just so.

OH YESSSS!!!! I have a tendency to create "organized clutter", and when I can't stand it I throw everything out and clean every nook and cranny. I'm a Cap Sun/Aquar. Moon/Taurus Rising. I'm a workaholic who often puts duty before pleasure. Although I love to laugh and find the humorous in just about anything, I sort of try to see the practical benefits of any situation. It's like, "Sure, I'm on an island vacation but that salty wave gave me a great idea for my current project...where's my laptop!!!." I also don't feel secure unless I know all of my bills are paid and have a little left in my pocket. And I LOVE the arts (I'm a graphic artist) and am stimulated by all manner of expression.... and spending money.

I'm an innovative-traditionalist-passive-agressive-procrastinator. Just a big oxy-moron.

~ january


Umbrae said:
It took me 38 years to learn to shut up and listen.
But as long as I can remember, if you tell me that I am unable to ‘do’ something; I will do it. I get bored real easy. I love to be over organized and over prepared. It took me a long time to understand the rest of the world’s concept of time (I adhere to it, but I don’t get it…I am NEVER late).

You just described my Aries boyfriend, especially the part about being told you can't do something, dammit, he'll do it! He says he'll call at 5:30, my phone rings at 5:29. And he'll try ANYTHING once and enjoys to do things spur of the moment (especially if its a bit dangerous). "Why not? Why can't I? Don't stop me!!"

~ january


january said:

I'm an innovative-traditionalist-passive-agressive-procrastinator. Just a big oxy-moron.

~ january
cool, another one for the club....