What should I know about the healing process?


I broke my nose a month ago and I'm concerned about how it will look. It's an aesthetic but also a functional concern because my breathing and congestion seem to have gotten worse.

Universal Waite

What should I know about the healing?

Situation: Empress

Advice: Knight of pentacles

Outcome: The Star

Base Card: 9 of cups

He he, well the empress is definitely very concerned and preoccupied by her appearance. She wants to do everything possible to look and feel more feminine. The advice here is sloooooooooooow waiting. I just need to wait it out, even if it doesn't make me happy at the moment. And the outcome tells me that my body is still healing, so there is hope, apparently.
The base card tells me to go enjoy now and I will be satisfied with the outcome.


cutiecutie said:
I broke my nose a month ago and I'm concerned about how it will look. It's an aesthetic but also a functional concern because my breathing and congestion seem to have gotten worse.
oh dear! i'm so sorry to hear this, cutiecutie. I've never broken my nose, but my mother and sister both have and I can recall how much it hurt them too.

I'll give this a try--

Universal Waite

What should I know about the healing?

Situation: Empress
I wonder, if this is suggesting being patient and waiting. however, if it is affecting your breathing and congestion, I'm not so sure you should wait on that! I'd say talk to your doctor about it. and perhaps the empress is also indicating that.

Advice: Knight of pentacles
go in search of someone/something that can help you. seek help. pentacles after all can be for material goods as well as financial and also I think the general well being and health of a person. so, in this case, it seems to be indicating you need to search for someone to help you regarding your health/well being.

Outcome: The Star
there is some hope for a good outcome.

Base Card: 9 of cups
all will work out for the best and you will be happy in the end.

He he, well the empress is definitely very concerned and preoccupied by her appearance. She wants to do everything possible to look and feel more feminine. The advice here is sloooooooooooow waiting. I just need to wait it out, even if it doesn't make me happy at the moment. And the outcome tells me that my body is still healing, so there is hope, apparently.
The base card tells me to go enjoy now and I will be satisfied with the outcome.

well, I sort of agree with what you have basically said here, but slightly different. my take on it anyway. good luck and I hope you are soon feeling much better!


celticnoodle said:
oh dear! i'm so sorry to hear this, cutiecutie. I've never broken my nose, but my mother and sister both have and I can recall how much it hurt them too.

I'll give this a try--

I wonder, if this is suggesting being patient and waiting. however, if it is affecting your breathing and congestion, I'm not so sure you should wait on that! I'd say talk to your doctor about it. and perhaps the empress is also indicating that.

go in search of someone/something that can help you. seek help. pentacles after all can be for material goods as well as financial and also I think the general well being and health of a person. so, in this case, it seems to be indicating you need to search for someone to help you regarding your health/well being.

there is some hope for a good outcome.

all will work out for the best and you will be happy in the end.

well, I sort of agree with what you have basically said here, but slightly different. my take on it anyway. good luck and I hope you are soon feeling much better!

Hello Celticnoodle! Thank you for trying to interpret my cards!
Being patient and waiting is what the doctor recommended most recently. The cards seem to back this up too. I had the fracture reset a few weeks ago, but I don't think it addressed the cosmetic concern. Although it's still healing and it can take a few months to see the final result. I've always had congestion and breathing difficulty, so it isn't something new, but I just think the accident worsened the issue. I definitely feel that I should see someone about it, although I'm not sure how soon, and I'm not sure what they can do for me! I also see hope and healing through the star, which has been coming up, again and again. I also see myself putting this situation to rest, at least for a while. I want to fight and fight but the cards are encouraging that I rest, and I don't have a choice... I also saw the 8 of cups clarified by the star as the final card in a reading I did before. I wonder if I'll just walk away from this disappointment. I think fear of the unknown and limited options is what is putting me in an unrestful state right now, and the 9 of swords has also come up.

Thanks again for the help!


Anyone else?


Situation: Empress

Advice: Knight of pentacles

Outcome: The Star

Base Card: 9 of cups

Empress is ruled by Venus which is the planet of love and beauty, so situation has to do with your appearance and beauty. The advice is take it one day at a time, and notice how it is improving each day, or week. Outcome says it'll be all that you are hoping for or maybe even better. Based card is telling you again to focus on visualizing your nose as you wish it to heal. Back to new or better - in other words, don't focus on what is 'wrong' with it. Take notice of how well it is healing and it will all work out in the end for you.

Hope that helps. Just my 2 cents. :)


Amanda_04 said:
Situation: Empress

Advice: Knight of pentacles

Outcome: The Star

Base Card: 9 of cups

Empress is ruled by Venus which is the planet of love and beauty, so situation has to do with your appearance and beauty. The advice is take it one day at a time, and notice how it is improving each day, or week. Outcome says it'll be all that you are hoping for or maybe even better. Based card is telling you again to focus on visualizing your nose as you wish it to heal. Back to new or better - in other words, don't focus on what is 'wrong' with it. Take notice of how well it is healing and it will all work out in the end for you.

Hope that helps. Just my 2 cents. :)

Thank you Amanda, :heart:

I will try to visualization! I just heard so many bad things about people who have broken their noses that I'm worried. But I will try!