What's my potential?


********Thank you all. No further posts needed.*******

I did a three card spread concerning how to achieve the success I desire in a certain situation..as a beginner learning the tarot I would appreciate your thoughts/interpretation. I will give same-day feedback as well...

The spread:

(1)What will help you (2) What will hinder you (3) What is your unrealized potential

(1) Strength--I see the strength card as telling me that strength is necessary in this period of my life to get what I want. But not a brute force type of strength, the type of strength that is resilient and patient in the face of challenge.

(2) Queen of Cups--I see this as meaning that I need to control my emotions and not let the challenges I face overwhelm me, but the QoC can also stand for intuition right?

(3) 9 of swords--This is the card I'm having the most trouble with. I see it as symbolizing anxiety and worry, all of which I intuitively feel and understand from the card, but I don't understand how that comes into play as "unrealized potential".

[I pulled Temperance as a clarifier for the 9 of swords. Perhaps this means has to do with gaining balance of my emotions so that I can see my unrealized potential?]

(Radiant waite deck)

Your help on any or all of the cards is appreciated. Thank you.


I'm still learning myself, but the first thing I thought of is maybe the 9 of Swords represents your ability to help people with anxiety, depression, ect.

It could be telling you that you would do well as a psychiatrist/psychologist or social worker (if you're looking for a career path). If you're not looking for a career, maybe you would help the situation as someone that could be a shoulder to cry on or helping with someone's anxiety and worries. My initial thought was about you helping someone with those emotions, and not really you experiencing them.

Or maybe you're just stressing too much about what to do.


I'm still learning myself, but the first thing I thought of is maybe the 9 of Swords represents your ability to help people with anxiety, depression, ect.

It could be telling you that you would do well as a psychiatrist/psychologist or social worker (if you're looking for a career path). If you're not looking for a career, maybe you would help the situation as someone that could be a shoulder to cry on or helping with someone's anxiety and worries. My initial thought was about you helping someone with those emotions, and not really you experiencing them.

Or maybe you're just stressing too much about what to do.

Thanks for posting. I think the last part of your response was closer to what I felt from this card (the stress). I'm just trying to figure out how that is my unrealized potential. The more I think about it, the 9oS could represent a blockage from seeing what my unrealized potential is because I feel so stressed.

(The question I had for this spread was more about a specific situation and the successful outcome I hoped for it so it didn't have to with career choice.)


moonriver, The 9S needs to be seen in the context of your other cards.

Whenever one encounters a difficulty or obstacle one has the choice to either try to understand it (Swords / thinking) or to engage one's emotions (Cups / feeling). The QC is saying that you often allow your emotions to get in the way of your progress. This is not uncommon.

In this context the 9S as "unrealized potential" means that if you practice emotional self-control (Strength) long enough, you'll eventually get to the point where you're able to make smart choices even when you are most troubled. Fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) has stopped many people from taking the bold steps needed to realize their dreams. Don't allow simple anxiety to hold you back any longer.


moonriver, The 9S needs to be seen in the context of your other cards.

Whenever one encounters a difficulty or obstacle one has the choice to either try to understand it (Swords / thinking) or to engage one's emotions (Cups / feeling). The QC is saying that you often allow your emotions to get in the way of your progress. This is not uncommon.

In this context the 9S as "unrealized potential" means that if you practice emotional self-control (Strength) long enough, you'll eventually get to the point where you're able to make smart choices even when you are most troubled. Fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) has stopped many people from taking the bold steps needed to realize their dreams. Don't allow simple anxiety to hold you back any longer.

This seems spot on. I've been dealing with feelings of stress about all the things I will have to do to get where I want to be. My mind currently feels clouded, it's like I can't see the way to my destination, so my anxiety has steadily increased as a result. Maybe I need to practice that emotional self-control to "un-cloud" my vision. Thank you for your interpretation.


Hi moonriver

In light of the other two cards, I agree with Sentient and I think the 9 of Swords is telling you to let go of worry and deal with your fears. "I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” MT. Cheers, Cynthia


Hi moonriver

In light of the other two cards, I agree with Sentient and I think the 9 of Swords is telling you to let go of worry and deal with your fears. "I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” MT. Cheers, Cynthia

Thank you Cynthia. I agree completely, I need to confront what it is that is weighing so much on my mind. I'll probably do a spread in a day or two to figure out what is what. Very relevant quote.